Search Search Results You could also try: later (169), subsequently (67), next (274) Public Health MSc Online Information Session DescriptionDiscover more about Brighton and Sussex Medical School's MSc in Public HealthUrl/about/events/2024/06-04-public-health-msc-online-information-session.aspx Student inclusivity forum DescriptionBSMS are continuing to hold a series of student-focused inclusivity forums throughout 2022/23.Url/about/events/2022/11-23-student-inclusivity-forum.aspx Staff inclusivity forum DescriptionBSMS are continuing to hold a series of staff-focused inclusivity forums throughout 2022/23.Url/about/events/2022/11-02-staff-inclusivity-forum.aspx Perspectives on the clinical needs of trans people DescriptionThis event aims to ensure there is greater understanding of a range of clinical needs of trans people with the aimUrl/about/events/2018/07-05-perspectives-on-the-clinical-needs-of-trans-people.aspx Understanding the diverse health needs of migrant and refugee populations DescriptionUnderstanding the diverse health needs of migrant and refugee populationsUrl/about/events/2018/03-15-understanding-the-diverse-health-needs-of-migrant-and-refugee-populations.aspx An Intrepid Christmas Journey DescriptionJoin the Widening Participation & Outreach Team at BSMS as they Tackle extraordinary medical conditions in a race around the worldUrl/about/events/2019/12-13-an-intrepid-christmas-journey.aspx Staff spotlight: Beatrice Ramunno DescriptionMeet Beatrice Ramunno, Research Coordinator.Url/about/working-here/inclusivity/pst-spotlights/beatrice-ramunno.aspx Arianne launches new book Arguing for a Better World DescriptionDr Arianne Shahvisi, Senior Lecturer in Ethics at BSMS, launched her new book, Arguing for a Better World, at the medicalUrl/about/news/2023/07-24-arguing-for-a-better-world.aspx Staff spotlight: Grit Gansch DescriptionMeet Grit Gansch, NIHR Global Health Research Finance Officer.Url/about/working-here/inclusivity/pst-spotlights/grit-gansch.aspx BSMS Mag Autumn 2016 Low DescriptionPulse Autumn 2016Url/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-mag-autumn-2016-low.pdf 1 to 10 of 25 Previous 1 2 3 Next