BSMS is committed to challenging all forms of bullying, harassment and discrimination. We encourage students to report incidents they have experienced or witnessed.
This form has been created for the use of Brighton and Sussex Medical School students only.
Students can use the bullying and harassment anonymous reporting tool below or can contact the BSMS Student Advice team to speak to a Welfare Adviser. If you are not sure which course of action to take, please consult the flowchart below.
Please note that BSMS will not be able to provide a response to an anonymous report. BSMS will not advance or take any action on an anonymous report.
BSMS will record the nature of the report and will use the information collected to make positive changes within the school and to monitor and evaluate the school's culture and environment to make BSMS a more inclusive place to study and learn.
If you would like action to be taken on your report this is not the appropriate mechanism to use; please make an appointment to see BSMS Student Advice.