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A group photo of the Time for Dementia team
Brighton & Sussex Medical School

Time for dementia

Time for Dementia

About us

Time for Dementia is a programme to develop, deliver and evaluate an innovative educational initiative, a longitudinal programme in dementia. 

Time for Dementia is a ground-breaking dementia educational programme led by Brighton and Sussex Medical School as part of a multi stakeholder collaboration between teaching colleagues, undergraduate healthcare students, families living with dementia, researchers, administrators, Alzheimer’s Society and other universities. 

Since its inception in 2015, the programme has been delivered at seven universities and across nine different professional courses.

 “…just because someone has dementia doesn’t mean that they’re, you know, that they’re not clever or they don't have a sense of humour or they don't understand what you’re saying to them.”  - Time for Dementia student
3 people in a group sitting around a table in discussion


Time for Dementia is a highly ambitious programme and is leading the way in terms of a mandatory component of the curricula in Dementia education.   

The concept of Time for Dementia was conceived to provide undergraduate healthcare students with understanding, empathy, knowledge and compassion to support families living with dementia in the future.

more on our Dementia Education Programme >


How to get involved

If you are a family living with dementia and are interested in taking part in the programme please do watch our short film and contact the Alzheimer’s Society Project Manager, Ro Charles, on or 07484 089562.

If you are a Higher Education Institution and would like to know more about running the programme with your students, please contact Dr Stephanie Daley on

See more in our promotional film about our Time for Dementia programme in our video below.


The Time for Dementia programme was designed to enhance healthcare students understanding of dementia during their undergraduate education. 

To evaluate the real world impact that the Time for Dementia programme has on the students and families taking part, a research study is ongoing to understand:

  • Student learning outcomes
  • Student experiences and satisfaction taking part
  • Families experiences and satisfaction taking part
  • To inform the iterative development and continuous improvement of the programme in new and existing university sites  

more on the Time for Dementia Research Programme >



The Time for Dementia team have had their work published in several different health care journals. New papers will be listed here as they are published. 

Dementia team publications  >

Group photo of all of the staff on the dementia team


The Time for Dementia team have made several films about the programme, including views from the student participant perspective and from the family participant perspective. Watch our latest film here.

Contact us

Information for families

Queries from families living with dementia about taking part in the Time for Dementia programme should be directed to Ro Charles, Alzheimer’s Society Project Manager on or 07484 089562.

Research queries

Queries about the research element of the Time for Dementia programme should be directed to Dr Stephanie Daley, Evaluation Lead, on

Other queries

All other queries can be emailed to Denise Roden, Project Officer, on


Other projects/groups at BSMS

There are a number of other teaching initiatives outside of Time for Dementia at BSMS that you may like to be involved with. We are always delighted to welcome new volunteers so please find some information about these below. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact us for further details.

Time for Autism

We are looking for families in Brighton and Hove and neighbouring parts of Sussex to take part in a new education programme at BSMS designed to teach medical students about autism. This is an exciting opportunity for families with a child on the autism spectrum to share experiences and expertise with medical students, to help them provide better care in the future. Each family will be paired with two medical students who will visit them at home three times over the course of a year starting in September 2021. 

If you or someone you know would like to find out more about getting involved, please contact: 

Alison Smith
Time for Autism Development Manager
T: 07717 450954

Patient Educator Group

The Patient Educator Group members are involved in various learning activities at BSMS. Volunteers decide how they may like to be involved and this may include sharing experiences of living with chronic health conditions, or being an unpaid carer. The group also provide opportunities for students to practice taking medical histories, basic examinations or help role play health scenarios. All of these activities are highly valued by the students and help them develop key communication and clinical skills. 

The Patient Educator Group members are also involved in interviewing applicants to BSMS, to help us select which individuals are offered a place to study medicine here. If you would like to know more please contact us, as we would be delighted to answer your questions and welcome any new volunteers.



Time for Autism

Time for Autism is a ground-breaking education programme that aims to transform healthcare for autistic people by increasing the knowledge and understanding of medical students. 

More on our Time for Autism programme >