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Brighton & Sussex Medical School

Supporting your learning

BSMS > Undergraduate > Supporting your learning

Supporting your learning

Here at BSMS we support your learning in a range of ways, from modern purpose-built learning environments, with excellent clinical learning facilities, to innovative digital resources and a designated student advice team to offer advice on problems you may be facing.


Our teaching and learning facilities

Year 1 and Year 2

In Year 1 and Year 2 your academic and clinical studies will be based primarily at the Brighton and Sussex university campuses at Falmer.

Our purpose-built teaching facilities include a modern anatomy laboratory, tutorial and seminar rooms, lecture theatres, clinical science laboratories and IT resource suites.

Fully equipped consultation rooms, identical to those in GP surgeries, and hospital outpatients departments, provide a setting in which to learn history-taking and examination. These are sited close to a clinical skills training area, which also houses an advanced patient simulator, which is computer-controlled to represent normal and abnormal physiology and a realistic response to drugs.

Year 3 and Year 4

In Years 3 and 4 you will be based in Brighton at the Royal Sussex County Hospital and the Audrey Emerton Education Centre, and across other sites in East and West Sussex. 

The Audrey Emerton Building provides comprehensive learning facilities, including a fully stocked medical library, computer suites, pathology facilities, a clinical skills training area, teaching rooms for large and small group study and a top floor restaurant with panoramic sea views.


Our IT and learning resources

Today’s doctors need to be confident and skilled in the effective use of IT, and you will receive training in computer literacy, information management, maintaining electronic patient records and the principles of bioinformatics.

Digital resources

Our online platform, My Studies, provides access to all your learning resources and study support tools, including lecture recordings, presentations, quizzes, interactive cases and case-based tutorials. Clinical placement experience and professional development are recorded and tracked with a dedicated e-portfolio platform and mobile app. Virtual microscopy and immersive 3D anatomy resources will also support your learning.

Specialist digital learning resources include:

  • The Anatomy Lab Interface, a custom mobile app that complements learning in the dissection lab
  • Capsule, a unique case-based learning resource comprising over 750 clinical scenarios for students to test their investigation, diagnosis and management skills, aligned to the Medical Licensing Assessment (MLA)
  • SmartDrug, a bespoke case-based platform to develop core prescribing skills
  • A large library of clinical skills videos and interactive tutorials
  • Sofia, curriculum mapping software that allows students to revise and track learning outcomes, add notes and attachments and filter content, aligned to Outcomes for Graduates and the MLA
  • Access to Passmedicine, an online revision platform, for Year 4 and 5 students

Sofia, curriculum mapping software that allows students to revise and track learning outcomes, add notes and attachments and filter content, aligned to Outcomes for Graduates and the MLA.


Our staff and students have access to the libraries of the University of Sussex, the University of Brighton and the Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust

University libraries are located at Falmer and the NHS libraries are at the Royal Sussex County Hospital (Brighton), the Sussex Education Centre (Hove) and the Princess Royal Hospital (Haywards Heath).

The libraries are well equipped with a full range of resources (printed and electronic), study spaces, individual and group workrooms and computer suites. They also offer evening and weekend opening hours.

Students study in the library

You will be provided with help in using the libraries throughout your time with us, including induction sessions, information skills teaching and individual advice on locating source material. Leaflets and self-help guides are also available and our information service teams can provide on-the-spot help in using electronic information sources.

Find out more about our libraries > 


Student Advice and Wellbeing

Medicine is a demanding course physically, intellectually and emotionally. During your five years here, you may experience problems with which you need help. But there is no need to struggle alone.

We aim to provide you with a friendly, supportive environment in which to learn and develop – academically, professionally, socially and personally. BSMS has a Student Advice team to ensure you receive the advice and guidance you need. Medical facilities can be found on the University of Sussex campus. Counselling services are available from the University of Brighton, and there is teaching throughout the course on maintaining your own wellbeing.

See the button link below for more detailed information on the support offered by the University of Brighton.

advice for students with disabilities >

For further information about how the BSMS Student Advice team can help you, visit their dedicated webpage using the button link below. 

Visit the Student Advice webpage > 


Disability and learning support

For students with physical disabilities, long-term mental health or medical conditions, or specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, university services are available for advice, guidance and academic or personal support. Such support might include individual support tutors, assistive technology and Learning Support Plans to recommend reasonable adjustments to teaching and assessment. 

Advice and wellbeing

For more information on how this is offered, please select an option from the list below.

Students sitting in a lecture theatre

Personal Tutors 

At BSMS you will be allocated a Personal Tutor (PT), a clinician (usually a GP, hospital consultant or specialist doctor) who will support you throughout your time at BSMS until graduation. You will meet with your PT at least three times per academic year to discuss your academic progress and any concerns or challenges you may face. PTs support the delivery of the Personal and Professional Development curriculum, which is a longitudinal module running from Years 1 to 5 and facilitates students' personal and professional development in readiness for starting work as a doctor.

Student advice team

Our student advisers are dedicated, non-academic staff available for you to discuss any problems that may affect you – personal issues, financial difficulties, health issues and more. They offer confidential listening and advice, and work with colleagues to attempt to help reduce the impact of any problems on your studies. They can also identify specialist support if necessary, and put you in touch with other support services in the universities. 

Support at training hospitals

Designated clinical staff are on hand at each training hospital to provide you with advice and guidance during clinical attachments away from the medical school.


Student representatives

Each year BSMS students elect student representatives. These are current students from all years who sit on the key decision-making bodies to influence life at BSMS and liaise with staff on their fellow students' behalf.

Financial support

The University of Brighton's Student Advice Service offers useful information and advice on applications for additional sources of income (student support fund), advice on money management and debt counselling.

Read more about financial advice >

Disability and learning support

We welcome applications from students with disabilities. For students with physical disabilities, long-term mental health or medical conditions, or specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, university services are available for advice, guidance and academic or personal support. Such support might include individual support tutors, assistive technology and Learning Support Plans to recommend reasonable adjustments to teaching and assessment.

To find our more email:


Health services

The universities' medical centres provide medical care under the NHS and students also have access to a dentist and pharmacist. All students are required to register with a local GP.

Students' unions

Both universities' students' unions run a full range of political, environmental, leisure and social activities. They also offer a range of clubs and societies, which represent, support and promote the interests of students from different faiths and backgrounds. Staff can also offer trained advice and representation on issues from money and health to housing.

Personal counselling

The personal counselling service provides a safe, confidential environment for students to discuss worries and concerns with qualified and experienced counsellors.


Support and friendship are offered by the universities' chaplaincies, which aim to help students – of any faith or none – to enjoy and enrich their time here. The chaplains organise group activities and worship; they can put students in touch with local places of worship and interested groups. They are also available for confidential advice or consultation.

Childcare facilities

The University of Sussex offers limited childcare provision. Since places cannot be guaranteed, creche and nursery applications should be made at an early stage.