Our research
Recently with a grant from the British Geriatric Society (BGS), we have completed a feasibility study on older adults (>=70yrs), exploring the association of the various stages of frailty with vascular ageing, seeking to understand the role of oxidative stress and inflammation. We are in the follow up phase and plan to expand this study to multiple sites.
We are currently the co-ordinating site for a multi-centre study on the use of a medicine management plan for the reduction of medication-related harm in the elderly post-hospital discharge. As part of our continuous collaboration with other institutions, we have been selected as a site for a NIHR adopted multicentre study determining outcomes in acute frailty in relation to sarcopenia and other geriatric assessments within 48 hours of admission.
In the last two years we have published more than 25 peer reviewed articles in prestigious high impact journals including Age and Ageing, BMJ, European Journal of Geriatric Medicine, JAMA Neurology, BMC Geriatrics, Journal of Hypertension and the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.