Previous events
What is a good death? Decolonising end-of-life care
Inaugural lecture from Professor Shahaduz Zaman
Professor Shahaduz Zaman, a physician turned medical anthropologist, reflected on his journey from working as a doctor in rural Bangladesh to addressing global health issues across South Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean. His experiences led him to adopt a decolonial perspective, focusing on end-of-life care as a key area for pursuing decolonisation.
Bringing hope to patients with leukaemia: Unveiling the secrets of blood
Inaugural lecture from Professor Timothy Chevassut
Profess Chevassut reflects on his contribution as a researcher, educator and physician. He also touches on the Covid-19 pandemic, juggling life in academia and medicine, and how haematology is, quite literally, in his blood.
Doing drugs: Through the lens of a clinical pharmacologist
Inaugural lecture from Professor Mike Okorie
The essence of any healthcare system is to identify, treat and prevent disease and promote health. Medicines use is the most common patient level healthcare activity and with an ageing population and patients taking many more medicines, it is becoming an even more prominent feature.
Professor Okorie will reflects on his contributions as an educator, researcher and clinician to the safe, effective and responsible use of medicines.
Improving neonatal care: Ancient ideas revisited
Inaugural lecture from Professor Heike Rabe
From despair to hope: The past, present and future of HIV medicine
Inaugural lecture from Professor Jaime Vera
Surgery: Time for an inclusive and sustainable future?
Inaugural lecture from Professor Mood Bhutta
BSMS20 officially kicked off with Prof Mood Bhutta’s inaugural lecture ‘Surgery: Time for an inclusive and sustainable future?’
In the first part of his talk, Prof Bhutta highlighted the hundreds of millions who live with a perforated eardrum. In the second part, he explored how a linear economy for products used in surgery, sourced through global value chains, has propagated labour abuse and environmental degradation.
Touching a raw nerve: Controversies in the field of chronic pain
Inaugural lecture from Professor Andrew Dilley
Individualising chaos: Prescribing drugs in high stakes environments
Inaugural lecture from Professor Barbara Philips
The Silent Teacher: Lessons from Dissection
Inaugural lecture from Professor Claire F Smith
How psycho-oncology research helps patients with cancer
Making dreams a reality: Eliminating Hepatitus C Virus and Improviing Sympton Burden in Cirrhosis
How to reinvent primary care from the bottom up: engaging communities
Epidemiology - the art and science of reducing cancer risk and promoting health and wellbeing
Inaugural lecture with Prof Anjum Memon
A tail of (RNA) degradation: managing the OFF switch
Inaugural lecture from Professor Sarah Newbury
Development of an organism from egg to adult requires sets of genes to be switched on and off at particular times and in the correct order. If genes are not switched off when necessary, cells can continue to multiply in an uncontrolled way leading to cancer. Gene regulation is also crucial in controlling the balance between renewal of stem cells and pathways to cell specialisation which are required to form the particular cells and tissues in the body. Since stem cells have a vast potential in regenerative medicine for the replacement of defective tissue, the understanding of gene control is crucial for harnessing the potential of these cells. Therefore studying the mechanisms whereby genes are switched off (as well as on) is vitally important for providing basic knowledge that has potential to lead to novel therapeutics.
Infection in Modern Medicine