Search Search Results You could also try: word (304), expression (74), phrase (16), name (348), idiom (1), period (225) Current studies DescriptionInformation about the studies currently supported by the Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/current-studies/index.aspx NHS DigiTrials resource pack DescriptionNHS DigiTrials resource packsUrl/_pdf/pcph/nhs-digitrials-resource-pack.pdf Clinical modules DescriptionInformation about the clinical modules offered by BSMS.Url/postgraduate/single-modules/clinical-modules.aspx Dr Wajeeha Aziz DescriptionDr Wajeeha Aziz is a Senior Lecturer in Medical Education at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-wajeeha-aziz.aspx East Meets West DescriptionThis project aims to explore the impact of COVID-19 outbreaks on older participants with neurological conditions in residential care inUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/research/cedar-lab/east-meets-west.aspx Dr Yoko Nagai DescriptionDr Yoko Nagai is Senior Lecturer in Translational Neuroscience at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-yoko-nagai.aspx Hopeful DescriptionDeveloping a hope-focused intervention to prevent mental health problems & improve outcomes for young women not in education, employment or trainingUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/hopeful.aspx CPRD resource pack DescriptionCPRD resource packUrl/_pdf/pcph/cprd-resource-pack.pdf Bisexual people experience worse health outcomes than other adults in England, national study finds DescriptionBisexual adults report poorer physical and mental health outcomes compared to any other sexuality, new study led by BSMS finds.Url/about/news/2023/07-25-bisexual-people-experience-worse-health-outcomes-than-other-adults-in-england-national-study-finds.aspx Technology enhanced learning and curriculum design DescriptionTechnology enhanced learning at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)Url/about/tel/index.aspx 121 to 130 of 545 Previous … 11 12 13 14 15 … Next