Search Search Results You could also try: talk (539), address (409), speech (47), teach (888) Inaugural lectures DescriptionOur inaugural lectures take place throughout the academic year and and are the first lecture delivered by a newly-appointed professorUrl/about/working-here/inaugural-lectures.aspx Welcome lecture and dinner with Mr Martin Griffiths DescriptionWelcome lecture and dinner with Mr Martin GriffithsUrl/about/events/2019/11-21-welcome-dinner-with-martin-griffiths.aspx Welcome lecture and dinner with Dr Chris van Tulleken DescriptionWelcome lecture and dinner with Dr Chris van TullekenUrl/about/events/2018/11-01-welcome-dinner-with-chris-van-tulleken.aspx BSMS Monthly Lecture Series - Malcolm Reed, Dean of BSMS DescriptionBSMS Monthly Lecture Series - Malcolm Reed, Dean of BSMSUrl/about/events/2019/11-06-bsms-monthly-lecture-series-malcolm-reed-dean-of-bsms.aspx Inaugural lecture with Prof Anjum Memon DescriptionInaugural lecture with Professor Anjum MemonUrl/about/events/2018/11-21-inaugural-lecture-anjum-memon.aspx Dean of BSMS's inaugural lecture tackles breast cancer DescriptionLast week Prof Malcolm Reed, Dean of BSMS and Professor of Surgical Oncology, presented his inaugural lecture, 'Breast cancer treatment – whoseUrl/about/news/2015/11-30-dean-of-bsmss-inaugural-lecture-tackles-breast-cancer.aspx The Martin Fisher Foundation launches with international lecture series, 'Towards ZERO' DescriptionA charity was set up in memory of internationally respected HIV expert and BSMS Chair of HIV Medicine Prof Martin FisherUrl/about/news/2015/09-28-launch-of-international-lecture-series-towards-zero.aspx Typical weeks DescriptionOur students give a detailed insight into their weeks studying medicine at BSMS.Url/undergraduate/what-our-students-say/typical-weeks.aspx Interventional radiology - the modern surgical revolution DescriptionJoin Dr Malcolm Johnston, Senior Lecturer and Director of Imaging Education at BSMS, to explore medical innovation interventional radiology.Url/about/events/2021/07-07-interventional-radiology-the-modern-surgical-revolution.aspx What comes next? Life after finishing medical school DescriptionJoin BSMS Alumnus Dr Mani Jayamurthy as we explore the variety in medicine and just what a doctor does after theyUrl/about/events/2021/06-09-what-comes-next-life-after-finishing-medical-school.aspx 1 to 10 of 407 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next