Search Search Results You could also try: aspire (53), plan (460), intend (131), try (202), mean (371), endeavour (35), point towards (69) MiCare HQ: Measuring and improving care home quality for older people DescriptionBSMS, University of Sussex and PSSRU at University of Kent are collaborating on MiCare HQ, a three-year project to measureUrl/about/events/2019/06-26-micare-hq-measuring-and-improving-care-home-quality-for-older-people.aspx DiabeticUpdate_flyer DescriptionDiabeticUpdate_flyerUrl/_pdf/cpd/diabeticupdate-flyer.pdf Life and a Career in Science - beyond academic research DescriptionThe Life and a Career in Science event, to celebrate Black History MonthUrl/about/events/2018/10-17-life-and-a-career-in-science.aspx 11th Annual Paediatric & Neonatal Research Network Symposium DescriptionInformation on the 11th Annual Paediatric & Neonatal Research Network SymposiumUrl/about/events/2018/11-19-11th-annual-paediatric-and-neonatal-research-network-symposium.aspx Perspectives on the clinical needs of trans people DescriptionThis event aims to ensure there is greater understanding of a range of clinical needs of trans people with the aUrl/about/events/2018/07-05-perspectives-on-the-clinical-needs-of-trans-people.aspx global_health_leaflet_2018 Descriptionglobal_health_leaflet_2018Url/_pdf/postgraduate/global-health-leaflet-2018.pdf Module amendment disclaimer DescriptionModule amendment disclaimerUrl/_pdf/cpd/module-amendment-disclaimer.pdf Cardiology in Primary Care Workshop flyer DescriptionCardiology in Primary Care Workshop flyerUrl/_pdf/cpd/cardiology-in-primary-care-workshop-flyer.pdf BSMS RGEC Recruitment Poster for Imaging Studies Template (March 2017) DescriptionBSMS RGEC Recruitment Poster for Imaging Studies Template (March 2017)Url/_word-docs/bsms-rgec-recruitment-poster-for-imaging-studies-template-march-2017.doc Abstract_template_2017 DescriptionAbstract for BSMS HEALTH EDUCATION CONFERENCEUrl/_word-docs/abstract-template-2017.doc 351 to 360 of 726 Previous … 34 35 36 37 38 … Next