Search Search Results You could also try: novel (158), original (84), innovative (176), fresh (31), recent (220) Inspirational women: Professor Heike Rabe DescriptionMeet Professor`Heike RabeUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-profiles/professor-heike-rabe.aspx Neurodivergent people more likely to experience pain, due to hypermobility DescriptionNeurodivergent people are more than twice as likely to have hypermobile joints and are far more likely to experience paiUrl/about/news/2022/02-02-neurodivergent-people-more-likely-to-experience-pain-due-to-hypermobility.aspx 2. Docobo_final DescriptionThe Crisis support service used new technology 'Docobo' to remotely monitor residents and reduce hospital admissions.Url/_pdf/cds/dcin/2.-docobo-final.pdf Nearly half of PhD students consider developing a mental health problem 'normal' DescriptionNew study involving researchers from Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) investigated depression and anxiety levels in PhD students.Url/about/news/2021/12-09-nearly-half-of-phd-students-consider-developing-a-mental-health-problem-normal.aspx DCIN reports 2. Docobo_final DescriptionDCIN report 2Url/_word-docs/cds/dcin-reports-2.-docobo-final.docx Education DescriptionThe HEESE SDS Dementia Care Programme develops the skills needed by healthcare staff to enable people with dementia to lead aUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/education.aspx My experience with a hearing disability DescriptionBSMS student Harriet Sharp discusses her experiences as a hard of hearing person and shares her assignment on the impact ofUrl/about/news/2021/05-05-my-experience-with-a-hearing-disability.aspx 'Game changing' test can predict how people with leukaemia will respond to chemotherapy DescriptionThe first test to quickly predict how people will respond to standard treatment for leukaemia has been developed at BSMSUrl/about/news/2019/02-28-game-changing-test-can-predict-how-people-with-leukaemia-will-respond-to-chemotherapy.aspx Health Education Conference DescriptionThe Health Education Conference run by BSMS.Url/postgraduate/continuing-professional-development/short-courses-and-workshops/health-education-conference.aspx Dr Chi Eziefula answers Coronavirus questions in podcast DescriptionDr Chi Eziefula, Senior Lecturer in Infection at BSMS, answers Coronavirus questions in University of Brighton podcastUrl/about/news/2020/04-06-dr-chi-eziefula-answers-coronavirus-questions-in-podcast.aspx 321 to 330 of 822 Previous … 31 32 33 34 35 … Next