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Brighton & Sussex Medical School

Leadership and Education Fellows with NHSE KSS DEANERY

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Leadership and Education Fellows with NHSE KSS Deanery

The Leadership and Education Fellows (LEFs) programme aims to enhance the experience and education of the medical workforce, and/or implement service improvements to locally identified priorities, whilst developing the leadership skills of resident doctors.

These prestigious and developmental fellowships, made available through NHS England Kent, Surrey and Sussex (NHSE KSS) Deanery, are specifically designed for career-minded IMT3+ or ST3+ resident doctors with an interest in leadership, medical education and service improvement.  They provide an excellent opportunity to develop leadership skills and experience in these areas, through practical project work and academic study, learning alongside a cohort of peers.  

The programme is managed by Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS), with Fellows completing our post graduate certificate in healthcare leadership and commissioning.   

Participating Trusts from across KSS recruit to the one-year fellowship post, during which the fellow spends the majority of their time leading improvement projects and completing the bespoke development programme. The rest of their time is spent on clinical duties.

A group of people at an event in a circle having a conversation

Recruiting now for 2025/26

Trusts in KSS will shortly be recruiting for 2025/26 Leadership and Education Fellows. For more information and to register your interest to receive updates when the job adverts go live, please email Charlotte Street:

Outcomes from previous leadership and education fellows

In July 2024, the 2023 Leadership and Education Fellows completing the programme, gave brief poster presentations on their work over the year to an audience of Trust supervisors, Directors of Medical Education (DMEs) and Medical Education Managers from across KSS.

This year’s fellows:

  • designed and delivered improvements in education delivery in Internal Medicine Training and Obstetrics & Gynaecology;
  • contributed to research and development of Virtual Reality resources for Global Health and Surgery;
  • ensured improvements to digital systems, and junior doctor engagement in the implementation process;
  • led sustainability improvements in anaesthetics;
  • created a new pathway for pre-optimisation of elective patients.

These eight fellows join the further 37 who have completed the fellowship since 2017. The table below summarises the main themes of fellows’ work and examples of project outcomes:

Main themes
ThemeProject outcomes
Enhancing local education delivery

New educational experiences developed - in-situ leadership sessions; simulation; learning from Serious Untoward Incidents

Improved education events - induction and transition to online delivery

Supporting International Medical Graduates (IMG)

Improved induction and orientation to the UK and NHS as well as the post

Tailored education and skills development designed and delivered

Investigation and recommendations for improved supervision support

Research into IMG experience 

Improving local experience of doctors-in-training

GMC trainee survey analysis and implementation of improvements to education

Improvements to wellbeing support for ‘junior’ doctors

Increased ‘junior’ doctor engagement in rotas, service improvement, design and use of digital health records


100% of evaluation survey resondents would recommend the programme to others:

  • “Absolutely superb programme… Helpful, insightful journey…”
  • “The programme was a leap in my development.” 
  • “I feel very priviledged to have been able to take part in the programme. I have developed personally and professionally… I feel that I have been able to have an impact that will continue for some time to come.”
  • “Development programme is excellent.”
  • “The Learning Network meetings were particularly helpful.”


Someone at an event talking to someone else with a poster in the background

A group of people at an event standing around having a conversation

Development Programme 

The Leadership and Education Fellows are supported by a comprehensive education and development package, delivered and designed and delivered specifically for the programme by BSMS.

By the end of the development programme, fellows will have:

  • Attained a deep knowledge and understanding of leadership, education and service improvement in the healthcare setting
  • Developed their skills in applying their learning to real issues identified as priorities in their Trust
  • Completed post-graduate certificate studies in Healthcare Leadership and Commissioning
  • Made a significant contribution to improving the local education and experience of the medical workforce.

Visit the course page below to find out more about the PGCert in Healthcare Leadership and Commissioning.

PGCert in Healthcare Leadership and Commissioning


Multiprofessional Fellowship programme

This is one of a number of fellowship programmes run BSMS supported by NHS England KSS and South East. Click on the link below to find out more about the Multiprofessional Simulation Fellowship Programme.

Find out more about the fellowship here >


For more information, please contact: 

Charlotte Street, Senior Project Coordinator 

Programme Director: Samantha Greenhouse 

Programme Adviser: Breda Flaherty