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Brighton & Sussex Medical School

Staff spotlight:
Professor Kevin davies

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Staff spotlight: Professor Kevin Davies


Meet Professor Kevin Davies, Course Principal for Internal Medicine.

What brought you to BSMS and what has your career looked like until this point?

I came to BSMS right at the start, having worked at Imperial (Hammersmith Hospital) for years as an academic rheumatologist working mainly on lupus, and also leading the Clinical Department of Medicine. I ‘followed’ Jon Cohen down when he was appointed Dean, and was the first (and thus far, only) Professor of Medicine. Although my research credentials were reasonable, I had little/no idea what was involved in setting up a medical school, and pretty limited experience of undergraduate teaching. 

I will never forget that when I first arrived 22 years ago, BSMS essentially comprised three of us – all in offices off a dark corridor in Westlain house – Jon Cohen, Peter Dennis, and myself – no curriculum, no students, no secretary, no computer, no buildings, no new academic colleagues….. no nothing! At that time it was perceived that BSMS clearly had great potential, so thankfully we were able to appoint excellent colleagues, academic and managerial, to help, so as a team we managed somehow.

What is your favourite thing about working at BSMS?

As others have said, it was mainly my colleagues who made my time as Chair of Medicine enjoyable. I had never worked in a campus-based university, and coming from Imperial and Cambridge, a certain amount of academic ‘re-calibration’ was required. Academic colleagues from both Sussex and Brighton were enormously supportive, as were the physicians and surgeons at the hospital, which was a  very different place in those days to how it is now. Establishing both clinical and academic credibility as a relatively ‘young’ new professor was certainly a challenge though.

The most stimulating thing at the start was having a pretty blank canvas to work with, and it was certainly satisfying to have the opportunity to help create something from scratch. 

Who has inspired you most in life?

I am not sure I am the sort of person who is readily ‘inspired’ (or inspiring!), though I have certainly worked with some very high-achieving individuals, such as Mark Walport. I have always tried to identify the best skills and qualities, clinical, academic, managerial and personal, in those I have worked with, and tried to emulate them as appropriate – not exactly ‘inspiration’ though…

What is your biggest professional achievement?

I am certainly proud of the research I did at Imperial on lupus, and more recently, as Medical Director of ACCIA, I feel that we have greatly improved this scheme, making it fairer and more inclusive, with awards going to a much more diverse range of consultants than used to be the case, something of which I am also quite proud. 

I still get pleasure from seeing so many of the doctors and scientists I mentored in west London doing so well (most have Chairs…), and some BSMS graduates are also now starting to forge successful academic and clinical careers, which is also pleasing.

Getting BSMS off the ground was certainly an achievement too, but this was very much a multiprofessional team effort, and many other contributors to this page also played pivotal roles. I should also flag that the perception in the early days that BSMS was a pretty decent place to study medicine, arose in no small part from the tremendous support and loyalty of our first cohorts of students, rather than anything we did as faculty!


What's your favourite memory from your time at BSMS?

Also a hard one for me – as a non-emotional person – but I did enjoy seeing our first cohort of students graduate, particularly when everyone cheered and clapped at the end – only slightly marred by the fact that it is so dreadfully hot having to sit on a stage under spotlights dressed up as a character from Hogwarts….

Describe BSMS in three words.

Inclusive….Tolerant…. Still young