Search Search Results You could also try: future (533), imminent (4), forthcoming (14), approaching (474) Perspectives on the clinical needs of trans people DescriptionThis event aims to ensure there is greater understanding of a range of clinical needs of trans people with the aimUrl/about/events/2018/07-05-perspectives-on-the-clinical-needs-of-trans-people.aspx Sussex Community Festival DescriptionSussex Community Festival - a free family event at the University of SussexUrl/about/events/2018/06-24-sussex-community-festival.aspx Secrets from within the human body DescriptionSecrets from within the human body - a Brighton Fringe event by BSMSUrl/about/events/2018/05-08-secrets-from-within-the-human-body.aspx Understanding the diverse health needs of migrant and refugee populations DescriptionUnderstanding the diverse health needs of migrant and refugee populationsUrl/about/events/2018/03-15-understanding-the-diverse-health-needs-of-migrant-and-refugee-populations.aspx Anatomy Night: Matters of the Heart DescriptionAnatomy Night: Matters of the Heart - a Valentine's Day event by BSMSUrl/about/events/2018/02-14-anatomy-night-matters-of-the-heart.aspx Let Joy Be Unconfined DescriptionLet Joy Be UnconfinedUrl/about/events/2016/12-01-let-joy-be-unconfined.aspx Every Child Is Different DescriptionFind out how healthcare designed for each of us, as individuals could be better than the traditional 'one-size-fits all'Url/about/events/2016/05-22-every-child-is-different.aspx Annual Paediatric and Neonatal Symposium DescriptionYou are invited to the 10th Annual Paediatric and Neonatal Symposium.Url/about/events/2016/09-22-annual-paediatric-and-neonatal-symposium.aspx For services to psycho oncology: psycho what? DescriptionFor services to psycho oncology: psycho what?Url/about/events/2016/09-22-for-services-to-psycho-oncology.aspx National Primary Care Academic Clinical Fellows' Conference 2016 DescriptionThe 2016 GP ACF Conference will be held in Brighton on 17-18 March 2016 and aims to blend research, debateUrl/about/events/2016/03-18-national-primary-care-academic-clinical-fellows-conference-day-2.aspx 191 to 200 of 428 Previous … 18 19 20 21 22 … Next