Search Search Results You could also try: chiefly (2), mainly (80), predominantly (40), mostly (66), principally (8), exceptionally (15) Dr Nina Lockwood DescriptionDr Nina Lockwood is a Research Fellow in Primary and Community Health Services at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-nina-lockwood.aspx Student inclusivity DescriptionLearn more about student inclusivity work at BSMSUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/student-inclusivity.aspx In Focus - Holly Cook DescriptionLearn about student selected components at BSMS from Year 2 student, Holly CookUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-holly-cook.aspx Interoception and Dementia DescriptionThis project aims to determine the relationship between interoceptive awareness and sensory function in individuals with dementia.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/research/cedar-lab/interoception-and-dementia.aspx Dr Saskia Eddy DescriptionSaskia Eddy is a Lecturer in Medical Statistics at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-saskia-eddy.aspx New study highlights how socioeconomic factors influence neurocognitive health in older adults DescriptionResearch from BSMS and UCL has revealed a significant link between socioeconomic factors and the progression of neurocognitive disorders among olderUrl/about/news/2024/11-01-new-study-highlights-how-socioeconomic-factors-influence-neurocognitive-health-in-older-adults.aspx HRP Research Catalyst funding call form 6.11.24 DescriptionHRP Research Catalyst funding call form 6.11.24Url/_word-docs/hrp-research-catalyst-funding-call-form-6.11.24.docx Study reveals harrowing experiences of misdiagnosis of borderline personality disorder in autistic adults DescriptionResearchers at BSMS have explored the lived experiences of autistic adults who were previously diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).Url/about/news/2024/09-11-study-reveals-harrowing-experiences-of-misdiagnosis-of-borderline-personality-disorder-in-autistic-adults.aspx Dr Sarah Polack DescriptionDr Sarah Polack is a Research Fellow in the Centre of Dementia Studies at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-sarah-polack.aspx Dr Kiersten Simmons DescriptionDr Kiersten Simmons is a Medical Doctoral Fellow and PhD Student at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-kiersten-simmons.aspx 161 to 170 of 332 Previous … 15 16 17 18 19 … Next