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Brighton & Sussex Medical School

PST spotlight:
Heidi Taylor

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Staff spotlight: Heidi Taylor

Heidi Taylor profile photo

Name: Heidi Taylor
Job title: Senior Medical Education Co-Ordinator
Department: DME – Postgraduate Team
Year started at BSMS: 2018 

Tell us a bit about your background

I’ve been with BSMS since August 2018. I originally started in the Audrey Emerton School Office with Office Angels but moved through the different departments from Undergrad to Postgrad which I stayed in and am now based today. I officially joined as a full time Sussex employee in 2021. 

What’s your role like day-to-day?

I am mostly involved with the Physician Associates course, but I also organise the Post Grad Induction Day, as well as being there to support other members of the PG team should they need it.

What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy being able to train members of the team as well as organise events. I also like to organise team activities such as our yearly Christmas Team lunch and the fun craft sessions. 

In terms of successes, which accomplishments are you most proud of?

During my time as a Temp, I was asked to organise the KSS Physician Associates Mock Revision OSCE for our students as well as from all over Kent, Surrey & Sussex, that would be taking their PANE exam in the Autumn. I had not organised/run an OSCE prior to this and was only given the basic advice to organise something of this size. All students that were involved gave positive feedback on how this helped them feel more prepared to take their National Exam the month after. This was my biggest accomplishment at that time and helps when being involved in organising the MMi’s and the Formative PA OSCE’s that I am involved with now. At the time I had very little knowledge/understanding of the PA course but now that I deal with PA on a day-to-day basis, I do realise how much this helped with creating the foundations I needed to gain the job I have now.    

How do you contribute to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment at work? 

From past assignments with Office Angels and Sussex Uni, I have always been taught that no matter what level you are at, everyone is equal. Having been part of the Management Team at Churchill Square prior to coming to BSMS, I worked closely with the Centre Director, Security and Cleaning teams, taking on board this work ethic, which was vital in the day to day running of the Centre. Now being a senior member of the PG team, I feel the same mantra is essential in our team here at BSMS. I try to make sure other members of our team feel included and listened to, especially if they have an idea on how something could be done differently. When we work as one, tasks get done quicker and everyone feels appreciated. 

Tell me something about you that most people don’t know about you. 

The majority of people I work with and have interactions with are not aware that when I was 21, I became seriously ill. Without having lifesaving surgery, I would not be here today. After several rounds of surgery, I was told life would never be the same again and I would be unable to do many things which included holding down a full-time job. Having been told this I made it my personal mission to prove them all wrong and do what they said I couldn’t. 

What are your other interests / hobbies?

Outside of work I have regular classical singing lesson with an International Voice Coach who has a famous Opera singer for a husband. I also enjoy crafting/sewing/quilting, basically anything creative. I also enjoy photography which I have a BA Hons in, I particularly enjoy landscape photography. I do have training in portraits, developing film and images in a darkroom and studio work. 
Finally, as most of you also know I am a Disney addict and take every opportunity to go ‘home’. I work for my Disney addiction!