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Dr Chris Jones

A head and shoulders photo of Dr Chris Jones

Dr Chris Jones

Principal Research Fellow in Medical Statistics
T: +44 (0)1273 644587
Location: Watson Building, University of Brighton, Falmer, BN1 9PS

Areas of expertise: Bioinformatics; biomarkers; biostatistics; cancer (human disease); cancer cell biology; cell cultures; data analysis; drosophila; gene regulation; genetics and development; miRNA; molecular biology; mRNA; next-generation sequencing; non-coding RNA; RNA stability; RNA-seq; RNAi; statistics; statistics for clinical trials


Chris Jones completed a BSc in Biochemistry in 2007, followed by a lab-based PhD in molecular biology and genetics from Brighton and Sussex Medical School in 2011. Over the next 6 years he worked as a postdoctoral Research Fellow on a BBSRC funded project based on his PhD work and on a novel project on gene expression in osteosarcoma funded by the Brighton University Rising Stars Initiative and the University of Sussex Research Development Fund. Chris gained extensive laboratory and bioinformatic experience designing, performing and analysing gene profiling experiments using RNA-seq and qRT-PCR, and using other techniques such as Western blotting, Drosophila genetics, and human and fruit fly cell culture. 

As a Research Fellow in Medical Statistics since 2015 and Principal Research Fellow in Medical Statistics since 2021, Chris has been involved in the development of, and performed analysis for, numerous studies and clinical trials alongside colleagues at BSMS, the Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit, and external organisations.

Chris completed a BA in Mathematics and Statistics from the Open University in 2017 and was awarded both Chartered Statistician status through the Royal Statistical Society and Science Council Chartered Scientist Status through the Royal Society of Biology in 2019.


Chris is primarily interested in statistical approaches to the design and analysis of quantitative research. Particularly for Clinical trials and lab-based research.

Chris has a lab background, and a strong interest and extensive experience in whole-genome approaches to gene expression analysis, such as RNA-sequencing, microarrays and qRT-PCR arrays. He also has extensive experience in the design of experiments utilising molecular biology and cell culture techniques.

Chris has designed and performed analysis for studies in diverse research areas, including: RNA degradation, osteosarcoma, prostate cancer, atrial fibrillation, breast cancer, multiple myeloma, leukaemia, Clostridium difficile infection, hip replacement/surgical site infections, bladder cancer, epilepsy, fatty liver disease, first episode psychosis, asthma, HIV, lymphedema/podoconiosis, scabies, and trustworthiness of online health information.

Selected publications

The Early Youth Engagement (EYE-2) intervention in first episode psychosis services: a pragmatic cluster RCT and cost-effectiveness evaluation25 Nov 2024British Journal of Psychiatry Cambridge University Press. Greenwood K, Jones C, Yaziji N, Healey A et al.

BRCA-DIRECT digital pathway for diagnostic germline genetic testing within a UK breast oncology setting: a randomised, non-inferiority trialOct 2024British Journal of Cancer, Springer Nature. Torr B, Jones C, Kavanaugh G et al. 

Effectiveness of an unguided modular online intervention for highly anxious parents in preventing anxiety in their children: a parallel group randomised controlled trialOct 2024The Lancet Regional Health - Europe45 Elsevier BV. Dunn A, Alvarez J, Arbon A et al. 

Foot and ankle problems in children and young people: a population-based cohort study9 May 2024European Journal of Pediatrics, Springer Nature. Rezel-Potts E, Bowen C, Dunn K et al. 

Time for Dementia: quantitative evaluation of a dementia education programme for healthcare students.19 May 2023International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 38:e5922 John Wiley & Sons. Daley S, Hebditch M, Jones C et al. 

A digital pathway for genetic testing in UK NHS cancer patients: BRCA-DIRECT randomised study internal pilot22 Jul 2022Journal of Medical Genetics1-10 BMJ. Torr B, Jones C, Choi S et al. 

Randomised open-label trial comparing intravenous iron and an erythropoiesis-stimulating agent versus oral iron to treat preoperative anaemia in cardiac surgery (INITIATE trial)5 Mar 2022 British Journal of Anaesthesia, Elsevier. Kong R, Hutchinson N, Hill A et al. 

Resistant fabric warming is a viable alternative to forced-air warming to prevent inadvertent perioperative hypothermia during hemiarthroplasty in the elderlyDec 2021Journal of Hospital Infection118:79-86 Elsevier. Kümin M, Jones C, Woods A et al. 

Statistical analysis plan for the Early Youth Engagement in first episode psychosis (EYE-2) study: a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial of implementation, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a team-based motivational engagement intervention to improve engagementDec 2021Trials22:1-8 BMC. Jones C, Bremner S, Hooper R et al. 

Genome-wide analyses of XRN1-sensitive targets in osteosarcoma cells identify disease-relevant transcripts containing G-rich motifsOct 2021RNA27(10):1265-1280Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Pashler AL, Towler B, Jones C et al. 

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