Search Search Results You could also try: times past (158), olden times (1), account (182), narration (1), record (294), story (145) LGBTQ+ History Month 2022 DescriptionTo mark LBGTQ+ History Month we have shared a range of resources and information to promote equality and diversity.Url/about/news/2022/02-01-lgbtq-history-month-2022.aspx PEG history taking FINAL DescriptionPEG history takingUrl/_pdf/about/peg-history-taking-final.pdf 'I've not been well': publicly sharing your medical history DescriptionIan Williams and Lisa Rodrigues share the story behind their decisions to 'go public' as health care professionals dealing with mentalUrl/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/theoretical-and-empirical-bioethics/ethics-in-performance/2014-10-23-ive-not-been-well.aspx The history of HIV: A big disease with a little name DescriptionIn this talk, Dr Fionnuala Finnerty - specialist in HIV/Sexual and Reproductive Health - will be exploring the developments in HIV overUrl/about/events/2022/03-02-the-history-of-hiv-a-big-disease-with-a-little-name.aspx BHM 2023 timeline DescriptionBlack History Month medical timelineUrl/_pdf/about/bhm-2023-timeline.pdf TEL Case Studies DescriptionThe TEL team present examples of practice from teaching staff across faculty in collaboration with learning technologists.Url/about/tel/tel-case-studies.aspx Patient educator group DescriptionBSMS patient educators are involved in a range of activities, helping our students to develop their communication & professional skillsUrl/about/working-here/patient-educator-group.aspx Pandemic exacerbated depression in older adults with diabetes DescriptionA recent study of more than 2,700 older Canadians reported older adults with diabetes faced a heightened risk of depressionUrl/about/news/2024/08-08-pandemic-exacerbated-depression-in-older-adults-with-diabetes.aspx From Margins to Milestones: A Black Scholar's Journey Through Academia and Healthcare DescriptionFrom Margins to Milestones: A Black Scholar's Journey Through Academia and HealthcareUrl/about/events/2024/10-23-from-margins-to-milestones.aspx Dr Max Cooper DescriptionDr Max Cooper is Senior Lecturer in General Practice at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-max-cooper.aspx 1 to 10 of 190 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next