Search Search Results You could also try: travel around (58), discover (120), walk around (49), search (127), investigate (235), survey (181) East Meets West DescriptionThis project aims to explore the impact of COVID-19 outbreaks on older participants with neurological conditions in residential care inUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/research/cedar-lab/east-meets-west.aspx healthcare-leadership-commissioning-application-handbook DescriptionApplication handbook for the PG healthcare leadership and commissioning courseUrl/_word-docs/postgraduate/healthcare-leadership-commissioning-application-handbook.docx Dementia Research Conference 2022 DescriptionCentre of Dementia Studies hosts research conference with talks from a range of experts in dementia and brain research across KentUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/dementia-research-conference-2022.aspx Dr Ben Hicks DescriptionDr Ben Hicks is Research Fellow in Dementia Studies at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-ben-hicks.aspx Feasibility of Ultra-Low-Field MRI in Dementia Diagnosis (FABULOUS Study) DescriptionThe FABULOUS Study investigates the potential of portable, ultra-low-field (ULF) MRI scanners to improve the assessment and diagnosis ofUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/research/cedar-lab/feasibility-of-ultra-low-field-mri-in-dementia-diagnosis-fabulous-study.aspx BSMS GPSoc: Unpacking Homelessness and Health DescriptionDiscover the urgent health challenges faced by Brighton's homeless population in this December's Monthly Lecture.Url/about/events/2024/12-04-bsms-gpsoc-unpacking-homelessness-and-health.aspx EPPiGen DescriptionEPPiGen – the Ethical Preparedness in Genomic Medicine project – is a Wellcome Trust Collaborative Award in Humanities and Social ScienceUrl/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/theoretical-and-empirical-bioethics/eppigen-index.aspx Neuroscience DescriptionFrom the laboratory through to clinical studies, our neuroscience research explores the functioning of the nervous system in both health andUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/old-index.aspx 'OneSizeFits1 - Every Child is Different' DescriptionThis family day will engage young people, patients and their families in creative arts activities around the ideas of personalised medicineUrl/about/events/2024/09-01-onesizefits1-every-child-is-different.aspx Promoting improvement in Women's services in the East Sussex region DescriptionThis study explores the views of women aged 40-65 years who live in East Sussex about whether women's health andUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/marginalised-and-coastal-community-health/promoting-improvement-in-womens-services-in-the-east-sussex-region.aspx 61 to 70 of 558 Previous … 5 6 7 8 9 … Next