Search Search Results You could also try: alter (48), modify (57), vary (130), transform (96), revolutionize (14), adjust (40), alteration (24) SHARE conference 2021 DescriptionThis conference offered talks, oral presentations and posters about resetting the agenda for sustainable healthcare.Url/about/share-conference-2021.aspx Hastings Healthy Hearts Volunteer Handbook DescriptionHastings Healthy Hearts Volunteer HandbookUrl/_pdf/pcph/spices/hastings-healthy-hearts-volunteer-handbook.pdf SPICES - FAQs DescriptionRead our list of FAQs on the SPICES project at BSMS.Url/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/spices/spices-faqs.aspx Depressive symptoms may hasten memory decline in older people DescriptionDepressive symptoms are linked to subsequent memory decline in older people according to a new study at BSMS and UCL.Url/about/news/2024/06-24-depressive-symptoms-may-hasten-memory-decline-in-older-people.aspx Global Health - COVID-19 news DescriptionThe latest news from the Global Health and Infection team at BSMS in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.Url/research/global-health-and-infection/ghi-news-and-events/gh-covid-19-news.aspx OM posters combined DescriptionOtitis Media Posters CombinedUrl/_pdf/about/events/om-posters-combined.pdf Surgical Studies- Application handbook 2018-19 DescriptionSurgical Studies- Application handbook 2018-19Url/_word-docs/postgraduate/surgical-studies-application-handbook-2018-19.docx Can we break the link between autism and anxiety? DescriptionCan we break the link between autism and anxiety?Url/about/news/2017/03-30-can-we-break-the-link-between-autism-and-anxiety.aspx Dr Lisa Page DescriptionDr Lisa Page is Clinical Senior Lecturer in Medication Education & Psychiatry and Honorary Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist at BSMS.Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-lisa-page.aspx Time for Dementia Newsletter 2020 DescriptionTime for Dementia Newsletter 2020Url/_pdf/cds/time-for-dementia-newsletter-2020.pdf 61 to 70 of 631 Previous … 5 6 7 8 9 … Next