Search Search Results You could also try: circumstances (103), state (249), condition (499), location (173), position (334), site (309), job (212) Diabetes Practice in Primary Care DescriptionDiabetes Practice in Primary Care single module at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/postgraduate/single-modules/single-module-course-list/diabetes-practice-in-primary-care.aspx BSMS psychiatrist features in new documentary on ADHD DescriptionDr Jessica Eccles, Clinical Senior Lecturer at BSMS, features in a new documentary on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).Url/about/news/2023/05-04-bsms-psychiatrist-features-in-new-documentary-on-adhd.aspx TEL Blog DescriptionEvery month, the Technology Enhanced Learning team will post on a variety of topics surrounding the use of technology to supportUrl/about/tel/tel-blog.aspx Understanding structure and agency in preventing avoidable deaths from AIDS and other calamities DescriptionFilm screening and discussion (in-person), with a Q and A with some of those involved in the making of theUrl/about/events/2022/11-01-understanding-structure-and-agency-in-preventing-avoidable-deaths-from-aids-and-other-calamities.aspx PPE supplied to the NHS during Covid-19 pandemic poses challenge to the environment, but with opportunities for mitigation DescriptionThe carbon footprint of PPE during the first six months of the Covid-19 pandemic was equivalent to flying from LondonUrl/about/news/2021/03-17-ppe-supplied-to-the-nhs-during-covid-19-pandemic-poses-challenge-to-the-environment.aspx Time for Dementia Newsletter 2020 DescriptionTime for Dementia Newsletter 2020Url/_pdf/cds/time-for-dementia-newsletter-2020.pdf Alumni news and events DescriptionThe latest news and events for our alumni networkUrl/about/alumni/alumni-news-and-events.aspx Results day and admissions DescriptionResults day and admissions - insight into the process at BSMSUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/results-day-and-admissions.aspx MDM66-essential-statistics-in-health-and-medical-research-june-2015 DescriptionMDM66-essential-statistics-in-health-and-medical-research-june-2015Url/_word-docs/cpd-module-descriptors/2018/mdm66-essential-statistics-in-health-and-medical-research-june-2015.docx Help us find the best treatment for children and young adults with asthma DescriptionNew study aims to test the delivery of the best asthma treatment based on geneticsUrl/about/news/2016/12-15-new-study-aims-to-test-the-delivery-of-the-best-asthma-treatment-based-on-genetics.aspx 51 to 60 of 137 Previous … 4 5 6 7 8 … Next