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Brighton & Sussex Medical School

Results day and admissions

Results day and admissions

Results day and admissions at BSMS

Darren Beaney - Picture

Darren Beaney, Head of Admissions, Recruitment and Widening Participation at BSMS, shares his thoughts below on results day, and the admissions process at BSMS. 

It is that time of year when thousands of young people around the UK and across the world are nervously awaiting their A-level results. This year, as we are all only too aware, the situation is slightly different, but I suspect no less nerve wracking.

On Thursday 6 August, we will receive the results of our offer holders - we receive the results ahead of the students to allow us to see where we are at with offers being met or missed. It also allows us time to decide on a course of action before the results embargo is lifted and results are published on Thursday 13 August.

When the results come out there will be a mix of joy and despair for our offer holders. Those who have met the conditions of their offer will have their place to study with BSMS confirmed and they can relax and enjoy the rest of the summer while also starting to get ready for the big adventure that is medical school.

Those who have missed the grades needed to satisfy their offers will not be in such a happy place. My email and telephone will normally be going berserk as they reach out to see what will happen. If they have only just missed their offer, ie, AAB, then they may still have a chance of starting in September. Those who have missed by more than a grade will likely be rejected.

We have no idea what the picture will look like this year as students will be receiving calculated grades. We have been assured that for the most part the calculated grades will be a true reflection on how each student will have performed in exams, and I hope that this is the case.

We do know that if students miss the grades, they will have the option to sit exams (social distancing and Covid permitting) in the Autumn. We will honour any offers for those students and if they get the grades required, they will be able to start with us in 2021.

We also know that BSMS will not be entering into clearing for 2020 and I know that under the current guidance I will not be in my office on results day, so at least I will be spared a constantly ringing telephone.

Hopefully the above has given you an insight into the admissions process, alongside what to expect on results day, and I wish you all the best for 13 August.