Search Search Results You could also try: aspire (53), plan (460), intend (131), try (202), mean (371), endeavour (35), point towards (69) Current Stories in Global Health: Stigma and Discrimination DescriptionCurrent Stories in Global Health: Stigma, Discrimination and HealthUrl/about/events/2023/01-25-current-stories-in-global-health-stigma-and-discrimination.aspx Kate Bascombe DescriptionKate Bascombe is the Course Lead for the Physician Associate (PA) MSc at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/kate-bascombe.aspx New STI vending machine at SU DescriptionA new sexual health and HIV digital vending machine has been launched at the University of Sussex Student Union Reception BuildingUrl/about/news/2022/09-21-new-sti-vending-machine-at-su.aspx Music, Activism and Conversation: Exploring Menstrual Health DescriptionBSMS is hosting an evening of music, activism and conversation around menstrual health and human rightsUrl/about/events/2022/10-05-menstrual-health.aspx LIGHTMind 2 DescriptionInformation about the LIGHTMind 2 study by the Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/current-studies/lightmind2.aspx Welcoming Ukrainian medical schools and their students to Capsule DescriptionUkrainian medical schools and medical students are being given complementary access to the case-based online medical learning resource, Capsule.Url/about/news/2022/06-27-welcoming-ukrainian-medical-schools-and-their-students-to-capsule.aspx Patient and Public Involvement Group Information for New Members DescriptionPatient and Public Involvement Group Information Sheet for New MembersUrl/_pdf/patient-and-public-involvement-group-information-for-new-members.pdf Patient and Public Involvement Group Information for Medical Students DescriptionPatient and Public Involvement Group Information Sheet for Medical StudentsUrl/_pdf/patient-and-public-involvement-group-information-for-medical-students.pdf New Multiprofessional Fellowship Programme will take fellows on a 'transformative innovation learning journey' DescriptionBSMS' new Multiprofessional Fellowship Programme offers a regional approach to learning, supporting fellows from a range of clinical backgroundsUrl/about/news/2021/11-16-new-multiprofessional-fellowship-programme-will-take-fellows-on-a-transformative-innovation-learning-journey.aspx 'No Health without Mental Health' – Mental Health in an Unequal World DescriptionThis talk will delve into some of these issues, arguing that there can be 'no health without mental health'.Url/about/events/2021/10-19-no-health-without-mental-health.aspx 411 to 420 of 726 Previous … 40 41 42 43 44 … Next