Search Search Results You could also try: disaster (9), catastrophe (5), emergency (160), calamity (1), predicament (1) Jon Mason DescriptionJon Mason is Student Welfare Adviser at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/jon-mason.aspx Brighton and Sussex Medical School launch pioneering 'Decolonising Health' module DescriptionIn a bold move to transform global health education and practice, BSMS launches an innovative new module 'Decolonising Health: Reimagining HealthUrl/about/news/2024/06-04-brighton-and-sussex-medical-school-launch-pioneering-decolonising-health-module.aspx Rethinking Global Health DescriptionThrough this symposium, we would like to bring a range of perspectives to bear on "Rethinking Global Health".Url/about/events/2024/06-28-rethinking-global-health.aspx The Metahuman Antithesis: Parables of Neurodivergence in Marvel's X-Men DescriptionIn this lecture, historian and sociologist Tré Ventour-Griffiths will discuss Marvel's X-Men as a neurodivergent cultural text.Url/about/events/2023/05-16-the-metahuman-antithesis-parables-of-neurodivergence-in-marvels-x-men.aspx Capsule wins an E-Learning Excellence Award DescriptionThe BSMS Capsule learning resource has been awarded an E-Learning Excellence Award for its work supporting medical students during theUrl/about/news/2022/11-25-capsule-wins-an-e-learning-excellence-award.aspx Brighton medical school is top UK institution in global university rankings DescriptionBrighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) is the highest-ranked UK institution in the latest Times Higher Education Young University WorldUrl/about/news/2021/07-02-brighton-medical-school-is-top-uk-institution-in-global-university-rankings.aspx BSMS Social Science Forum: Film: The Healer and the Psychiatrist DescriptionIntroducing the BSMS Social Science Forum series, a new series of events for 2021Url/about/events/2021/05-27-bsms-social-science-forum-film-screening.aspx Independent search engines may respect your privacy but give more visibility to misinformation DescriptionIndependent search engines may respect your privacy but give more visibility to misinformation, a new study at BSMS findsUrl/about/news/2020/08-12-independent-search-engines-may-respect-your-privacy-but-give-more-visibility-to-misinformation.aspx Medical School answers hospital and doctor's call for help DescriptionBSMS answers a call for help from the NHS to provide essential personal protective equipment for frontline workers responding to theUrl/about/news/2020/03-31-medical-school-answers-hospital-and-doctors-call-for-help.aspx How to Save a Life: Dr Neil Singh DescriptionHow to Save a Life: Dr Neil Singh, part of the BSMS Outreach team's lecture series.Url/about/events/2020/01-08-how-to-save-a-life-dr-neil-singh.aspx 21 to 30 of 77 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next