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How to Save a Life: Dr Neil Singh

How to Save a Life: Dr Neil Singh

Wednesday 8 January 2020, 6:30-7:30pm

Chowen Lecture Theatre, Medical Teaching Building, University of Sussex, BN1 9PX 

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What does it mean to save a life? In our minds we often imagine heroic doctors cutting out tumours, clamping arteries, and pulling people back from the brink. But most of medicine is not like that.

Dr Neil Singh will talk about how, as a GP, he has the privilege of helping people - sometimes in moments of crisis, but more usually in less glamorous ways, long before disaster has occurred.

This, he has found, is a far more rewarding way to promote health: by using knowledge and experience (rather than gadgets) to correctly diagnose and treat people soon after their health falters; by empowering people to live healthier lives; and by helping patients to rediscover the purpose and meaning in their lives.

Join Neil as he tries to inspire the next generation to think broadly about what health is, and what everyone (even if you don't work in healthcare) can do to improve the health of the world.

This is the second in the Brighton and Sussex Medical School's monthly lecture series, designed for local secondary school and college students. This lecture series, running from November through to July, provides a unique opportunity for students to learn more about different aspects of medicine, career pathways, and how to get into medicine.

Arrival is from 6:00pm onwards, with some refreshments available. Please note, the talk will commence at 6:30pm. 

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