Search Search Results You could also try: sense (113), experience (961), suffer (105), undergo (90), think (393), believe (179), touch (145) Take Me With You: a museum of friendship, remembrance and loss DescriptionThis event is the latest in our Ethics and Performance series of lectures and seminars.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/theoretical-and-empirical-bioethics/ethics-in-performance/2016-02-18-take-me-with-you.aspx Additional patient info post COVID CISC DescriptionAdditional patient info post COVID CISCUrl/_pdf/cisc/additional patient info post covid cisc.pdf BSMS students set up childcare support for frontline staff DescriptionA team of BSMS students have set up a group for NHS key workers and healthcare students to communicate and arrangeUrl/about/news/2020/04-03-bsms-students-set-up-childcare-support-for-frontline-staff.aspx Graduate doctors "lacking confidence" in caring for the dying DescriptionLack of exposure to dying patients is resulting in low confidence among graduate doctors when caring for patients, research showsUrl/about/news/2020/01-22-graduate-doctors-lacking-confidence-in-caring-for-the-dying.aspx Virtual work experience programme shortlisted for Award DescriptionThe BSMS Virtual Work Experience (VWEX) programme has been shortlisted as a finalist for the UK Social Mobility Awards 2020.Url/about/news/2020/07-29-virtual-work-experience-scheme-shortlisted-for-award.aspx Coronavirus MND Guidance FINAL DescriptionCoronavirus MND Guidance FINALUrl/_pdf/research/coronavirus-mnd-guidance-final.pdf Coronavirus MND Guidance FINALv2 DescriptionCoronavirus MND Guidance FINALv2Url/_word-docs/cds/coronavirus-mnd-guidance-finalv2.docx An end to arachnophobia 'just a heartbeat away' DescriptionResearchers have discovered that exposing people with phobias to their fear at the exact time their heart beats, led to theUrl/about/news/2018/10-30-an-end-to-arachnophobia-'just-a-heartbeat-away'.aspx What makes people tic? DescriptionTourette syndrome affects a far larger area of the brain than previously thought, a new study at BSMS showsUrl/about/news/2018/03-23-what-makes-people-tic.aspx 'Complete the course' message for antibiotics should be dropped DescriptionAdvice that patients should complete a course of antibiotics is not supported by evidence and should be dropped, according to researchersUrl/about/news/2017/07-26-complete-the-course-message-for-antibiotics-should-be-dropped.aspx 221 to 230 of 419 Previous … 21 22 23 24 25 … Next