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BSMS Social Science Forum: TB in Town 2

BSMS Social Science Forum: TB in Town 2

Thursday 21 January 2021,12pm

We are delighted to announce a brand new series, BSMS Social Science Forum, for 2021! All are welcome, no background in social science required.

join the screening here >


About this event

A new BSMS Social Science Forum series is launching in January 2021. The first event takes place on Thursday 21 January at 12pm and is titled 'TB in Town 2 film screening', followed by Q&A with director and anthropologist Liane Cremers.

This film tells the story of patients with tuberculosis living in Town 2, Khayelitsha, one of the biggest and most violent townships of South Africa. Treatment is available for free and tuberculosis patients can be completely cured. Nevertheless, many people in this area get this disease and die. This film is about how patients deal with their medication, the side effects, and how they fight for their lives. How this affects the relationships with friends, family, and healthcare providers. It's about their hunger in combination with treatment that seems to make them loose their minds.

We are delighted to announce the Social Science Forum events for the second term, including our first film screening and external seminar. All are welcome, no background in social science required. Details and Zoom links are below. Please feel free to circulate and contact Gem on with any queries.

A trailer for the film can be watched here >

A paper about the film is available here >

Join the event on Zoom via the link below.

Join the screening here >