Search Search Results You could also try: group (881), pressure group (56), association (233), society (412), lobby group (4) Alice Tunks DescriptionAlice Tunks is a PhD Researcher at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/about/contact-us/staff/alice-tunks.aspx ARPME conference 2021 DescriptionAnti-Racist Practice in Medical Education: Pedagogy and Research: Virtual Conference 2021 event page.Url/about/arpme-conference-2021.aspx UPLIFT Research Advisory Group information DescriptionResearch Advisory Group Information DocumentUrl/_pdf/pcph/uplift-research-advisory-group-information.pdf HRP Partnership News July 2022 v2 DescriptionHRP Partnership News July 2022Url/_pdf/research/hrp/hrp-partnership-news-july-2022-v2.pdf Ageing DescriptionWith an ageing population, it's more important than ever that society is well prepared to meet the health needs of thisUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/ageing.aspx Clinical Imaging Sciences Centre Open Day DescriptionSee our state of the art technology, cutting edge research & expertise, including a demonstration of our new prototype low field MRIUrl/about/events/2022/12-08-clinical-imaging-sciences-centre-open-day.aspx New Health Research Partnership launches DescriptionThe Health Research Partnership (HRP) was officially launched at a meeting on Friday 30 September.Url/about/news/2022/10-13-new-health-research-partnership-launches.aspx Using NHS unstructured medical reports and clinic notes for research DescriptionA group of researchers aim to set up a donated 'text bank' made up of clinic notes and letters where patientsUrl/about/news/2022/06-29-using-nhs-unstructured-medical-reports-and-clinic-notes-for-research.aspx Childlessness in Bangladesh: Dr Papreen Nahar in conversation DescriptionJoin Dr Papreen Nahar for International Women's Day as she discuss her new book: Childlessness in Bangladesh: 
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