Search Search Results You could also try: grasp (5), clutch (2), grip (6), seize (6), embrace (33) 'It must be my Hormones!' Hormones and Endocrinology DescriptionIn this talk, Dr Anna Crown, Consultant Endocrinologist at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, will be exploring hormones and endocrinology.Url/about/events/2022/07-06-it-must-be-my-hormones.aspx Teaching and Innovation in Medical Education course DescriptionBrighton and Sussex Medical School will be running a one-day Teaching and Innovation in Medical Education courseUrl/about/events/2022/07-05-teaching-and-innovation-in-medical-education-course.aspx Perinatal Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Experiences: Barriers and Facilitators to Psychological Treatment DescriptionAlice Tunks will discuss her research into Perinatal Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and the barriers to psychological treatmentUrl/about/events/2022/06-08-perinatal-obsessive-compulsive-disorder-experiences-barriers-and-facilitators-to-psychological-treatment.aspx Protocol template for non CTIMPs 2.0 130422 DescriptionQuantitative Protocol Development Tool for non CTIMPsUrl/_word-docs/protocol-template-for-non-ctimps-2.0-130422.docx The Medical Research Involvement Group Leaflet for Patients-Carers DescriptionThe Medical Research Involvement Group Leaflet for Patients-CarersUrl/_pdf/the-medical-research-involvement-group-leaflet-for-patients-carers.pdf The Medical Research Involvement Group Leaflet for Medical Students DescriptionThe Medical Research Involvement Group Leaflet for Medical StudentsUrl/_pdf/the-medical-research-involvement-group-leaflet-for-medical-students.pdf Supportive environment DescriptionMedicine is one of the most challenging disciplines you can tackle. We have a wide range of support in place toUrl/undergraduate/why-choose-bsms/supportive-environment.aspx The history of HIV: A big disease with a little name DescriptionIn this talk, Dr Fionnuala Finnerty - specialist in HIV/Sexual and Reproductive Health - will be exploring the developments in HIV overUrl/about/events/2022/03-02-the-history-of-hiv-a-big-disease-with-a-little-name.aspx What are the short and long-term benefits of taking part in Dry January? DescriptionIn this talk, Dr Richard de Visser will provide an overview of his studies of Dry January, highlighting the short- andUrl/about/events/2022/01-05-what-are-the-short-and-long-term-benefits-of-taking-part-in-dry-january.aspx 'No Health without Mental Health' – Mental Health in an Unequal World DescriptionThis talk will delve into some of these issues, arguing that there can be 'no health without mental health'.Url/about/events/2021/10-19-no-health-without-mental-health.aspx 201 to 210 of 420 Previous … 19 20 21 22 23 … Next