Search Search Results You could also try: pregnant (16), expectant (3) Supporting Care Workers in COVID DescriptionSupporting Care Workers in COVID is a collaborative and interdisciplinary research project between the University of Kent and BSMSUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/public-health/supporting care workers/index.aspx Clinical Trials Unit awarded full registration DescriptionThe Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit (BSCTU) at BSMS has been awarded full registration with the UK Clinical Research CollaborationUrl/about/news/2023/02-20-clinical-trials-unit-awarded-full-registration.aspx The UPLIFT Study DescriptionThe UPLIFT Study aims to understand the research priorities for improving quality of life in people living with HIV who haveUrl/research/global-health-and-infection/research-areas/the-uplift-study.aspx Job outline-facilitator-modules-101-201-updated-April-2022 DescriptionJob outline-facilitator-modules-101-201-updated-April-2022Url/_pdf/about/job-outline-facilitator-modules-101-201-updated-april-2022.pdf Results day and admissions DescriptionResults day and admissions - insight into the process at BSMSUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/results-day-and-admissions.aspx Rebecca Simmons camouflaging blog DescriptionRebecca Simmons camouflaging blogUrl/_pdf/research/autism-symposium/rebecca-simmons-camouflaging-blog.pdf BSMS Homelessness Conference DescriptionThe first BSMS Homelessness Conference will explore reasons why and how people become homeless and why health should be our mainUrl/about/events/2020/02-08-bsms-homelessness-conference.aspx BSMS to co-host summer schools to help students from underrepresented backgrounds gain access to medical careers DescriptionBSMS, in partnership with the Kent and Medway Medical School, has been chosen to run one of five Medical Schools CouncilUrl/about/news/2019/11-11-bsms-to-co-host-summer-schools.aspx New research group to investigate blood cancers DescriptionA new collaborative research group aims to explore the causes of blood cancers and design new treatments.Url/about/news/2019/01-18-new-research-group-to-investigate-blood-cancers.aspx End is in sight in battle with HIV DescriptionWe are closer than ever to ending the HIV epidemic, said a panel of experts at 'HIV: is victory in sightUrl/about/news/2017/05-12-end-is-in-sight-in-battle-with-hiv.aspx 201 to 210 of 367 Previous … 19 20 21 22 23 … Next