Search Search Results You could also try: courage (14), bravery (1), spirit (14), guts (22), daring (3), cheek (18) Sensory and Motor Neuroscience DescriptionSensory and motor neuroscience at BSMS encompasses research into pain, audition, and motor systems.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/sensory-and-motor-neuroscience.aspx Dr Natalia Ivashikina DescriptionDr Natalia Ivashikina is a Reader in Health Economics at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/dr-natalia-ivashikina.aspx Gemma Brownbill DescriptionGemma Brownbill is a PhD student at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/gemma-brownbill.aspx Bodies donated to medical science honoured in London memorial service DescriptionA memorial service at St Georges Cathedral in London honours more than 300 people who donated their bodies to medical scienceUrl/about/news/2019/05-17-bodies-donated-to-medical-science-honoured-in-memorial-service.aspx Neurology DescriptionNeurology at BSMS has strengths in neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation. Our research focuses on neurological conditions like MND and multiple sclerosis.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/neurology.aspx Professor Dame Lesley Fallowfield DescriptionProfessor Dame Lesley Fallowfield is Professor of Psycho Oncology at SHORE-C at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/about/contact-us/staff/professor-dame-lesley-fallowfield.aspx Neurophysiology in action DescriptionIn March's monthly lecture, Dr Oli Steele will explore the structure and function of the brain on a cellular level.Url/about/events/2024/03-06-neurophysiology-in-action.aspx Results day and admissions DescriptionResults day and admissions - insight into the process at BSMSUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/results-day-and-admissions.aspx Study provides support for potential new treatment for Motor Neuron Disease DescriptionTreatment with a molecule known as interleukin-2 (IL-2) may help reduce the inflammatory response in Motor Neuron Disease (MNDUrl/about/news/2020/07-07-study-provides-support-for-potential-new-treatment-for-motor-neuron-disease.aspx Inaugural lectures DescriptionOur inaugural lectures take place throughout the academic year and and are the first lecture delivered by a newly-appointed professorUrl/about/working-here/inaugural-lectures.aspx 11 to 20 of 46 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next