Search Search Results You could also try: progressing (197), rolling (48), systematic (202), regular (153) Patrick Nyikavaranda DescriptionPatrick Nyikavaranda is a PhD Researcher at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/patrick-nyikavaranda.aspx Single Modules as CPD DescriptionSingle Modules as Continuing Professional Development (CPD) at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/postgraduate/continuing-professional-development/single-modules-as-cpd/single-modules-as-cpd.aspx Brighton medical school is top UK institution in global university rankings DescriptionBrighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) is the highest-ranked UK institution in the latest Times Higher Education Young University WorldUrl/about/news/2021/07-02-brighton-medical-school-is-top-uk-institution-in-global-university-rankings.aspx BSMS Social Science Forum: Putting Anthropology into Global Health DescriptionIntroducing the BSMS Social Science Forum series, a new series of events for 2021Url/about/events/2021/06-24-bsms-social-science-forum-putting-anthropology-into-global-health.aspx Research integrated DescriptionMedicine is constantly evolving as evidence is gathered and understood. To become a successful doctor, you need to be involved inUrl/undergraduate/why-choose-bsms/research-integrated.aspx Case-based learning platform receives funding to transform medical learning across the world DescriptionInnovate UK has funded just over £130,000 to CAPSULE, an innovative resource developed by Ocasta and BSMS, to deliver worldwideUrl/about/news/2020/11-16-case-based-learning-platform-receives-funding-to-transform-medical-learning.aspx Pooled Swab 3 in 1 DescriptionInformation about the Pooled Swab 3 in 1 study current supported by the Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/current-studies/pooled-swab-3-in-1.aspx BSMS virtual work experience programme added to Barclays LifeSkills DescriptionThe BSMS Virtual Work Experience (VWEX) programme has been added to the Barclays LifeSkills website as a resource for young peopleUrl/about/news/2020/09-17-bsms-virtual-work-experience-programme-added-to-barclays-lifeskills.aspx BSMS students set up childcare support for frontline staff DescriptionA team of BSMS students have set up a group for NHS key workers and healthcare students to communicate and arrangeUrl/about/news/2020/04-03-bsms-students-set-up-childcare-support-for-frontline-staff.aspx Graduate doctors "lacking confidence" in caring for the dying DescriptionLack of exposure to dying patients is resulting in low confidence among graduate doctors when caring for patients, research showsUrl/about/news/2020/01-22-graduate-doctors-lacking-confidence-in-caring-for-the-dying.aspx 141 to 150 of 412 Previous … 13 14 15 16 17 … Next