Search Search Results You could also try: senior (457), superior (12), advanced (380), elevated (16), upper (44), top (170) New STI vending machine at SU DescriptionA new sexual health and HIV digital vending machine has been launched at the University of Sussex Student Union Reception BuildingUrl/about/news/2022/09-21-new-sti-vending-machine-at-su.aspx HYVET-2 DescriptionInformation about the HYVET-2 study by the Brighton and Sussex Clinical Trials Unit.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/brighton-and-sussex-ctu/current-studies/hyvet-2.aspx Resilience Diaries: screening and panel talk DescriptionThis short documentary film features the daily thoughts and lives of people living with HIV during the Covid-19 pandemic. FollowedUrl/about/events/2021/12-01-resilience-diaries-screening-and-panel-talk.aspx Medical school teacher honoured with teaching excellence award DescriptionPhysiology Lead at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS), Dr Harry Witchel, has been awarded an Advance HE National Teaching FellowshipUrl/about/news/2021/08-11-medical-school-teacher-honoured-with-teaching-excellence-award.aspx Students put BSMS third in the 2021 NSS for medical schools DescriptionStudents have put BSMS in third position in the 2021 National Student Survey (NSS) for medical schools, achieving an overall satisfactionUrl/about/news/2021/07-15-students-put-bsms-third-in-the-2021-nss-for-medical-schools.aspx OM posters combined DescriptionOtitis Media Posters CombinedUrl/_pdf/about/events/om-posters-combined.pdf Brighton medical school is top UK institution in global university rankings DescriptionBrighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) is the highest-ranked UK institution in the latest Times Higher Education Young University WorldUrl/about/news/2021/07-02-brighton-medical-school-is-top-uk-institution-in-global-university-rankings.aspx Accessibility DescriptionThe Brighton and Sussex Medical School is committed to enabling as many people as possible to take advantage of higher educationUrl/about/accessibility.aspx BSMS in the top 20 best small universities in the world DescriptionBrighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) is 11th in the Times Higher Education (THE) list for world's best small universities inUrl/about/news/2019/08-15-bsms-in-the-top-20-best-small-universities-in-the-world.aspx Simulation - Application handbook 2019-20 DescriptionSimulation - Application handbook 2019-20Url/_word-docs/postgraduate/simulation-application-handbook-2019-20.docx 111 to 120 of 300 Previous … 10 11 12 13 14 … Next