Search Search Results You could also try: information (764), news (156), intelligence (47), rumour (2) Dr Anna Jones DescriptionDr Anna Jones is Clinical Teaching Fellow: Project Lead for Sustainable Healthcare in undergraduate Med Ed at Brighton and Sussex MedicalUrl/about/contact-us/staff/dr-anna-jones.aspx BrightIdeas (Brighton & Surrounding Areas) DescriptionBrightIdeas (Brighton & Surrounding Areas)Url/_pdf/about/brightideas-brighton-surrounding-areas.pdf BrightIdeas (students) DescriptionBrightIdeas (students)Url/_pdf/about/brightideas-students.pdf BrightIdeas (Hastings students) DescriptionBrightIdeas (Hastings students)Url/_pdf/about/brightideas-hastings-students.pdf BSMS Magazine 2016 Spring web DescriptionBSMS Magazine 2016 SpringUrl/_pdf/about/news/pulse/bsms-magazine-2016-spring-web.pdf GPPS DescriptionThe General Practice Patient Survey (GPPS) contains anonymous data on sexual orientation as a determinant of health.Url/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/health-data-science/gpps.aspx Sexual health research used for monkeypox virus outbreak DescriptionA letter from the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) to all its members and doctors has drawn onUrl/about/news/2022/07-04-sexual-health-research-used-for-monkeypox-virus-outbreak.aspx Commissioning for Quality Care DescriptionMDM111 Commissioning for Quality Care module specificationUrl/_word-docs/cpd-module-descriptors/2018/commissioning-for-quality-care.doc Social mobility tsar comes to BSMS DescriptionThe Rt Hon Alan Milburn gives a special lecture to students, their guests and colleagues from BSMSUrl/about/news/2017/11-07-social-mobility-tsar-comes-to-bsms.aspx MDM111 - Commissioning for Quality Care DescriptionMDM111 - Commissioning for Quality CareUrl/_word-docs/cpd-module-descriptors/mdm111-commissioning-for-quality-care.doc 101 to 110 of 449 Previous … 9 10 11 12 13 … Next