Selected publications
J. Sheringham, A. Lyon, A. Jones, J. Strobl, and H. Barratt Increasing medical students' engagement in public health: case studies illustrating the potential role of online learning Journal of Public Health 2015
Belcher, R., Jones, A., Smith L., Vincent, T., Qualitative study of the impact of an authentic electronic portfolio in undergraduate medical education BMC Medical Education 2014
Smith, L.NJ., Belcher, R., Coppola, W., Gill, D., Spencer, H., Cooper, C., Rawlinson, N., Williams, J., Haig, A., Smith, J., Haq, I., Jones, A., Montgomery, J. and Vincent, T. Successful collaboration in education: the UMeP. Clin Teach, 11: 546–550. 2014
O’Connell E, Ruggles R, Nicholls M, Jones A, Leonardi G, Duarte-Davidson R, Thomas E, Keshishian C, Murray V, Mallett I, Sepai O, Baker D. ‘British Paediatric Surveillance Unit (BPSU) study on elevated blood lead concentrations in children’ Chemical Hazards and Poisons Report September 2009
Jones A, Ruggles R, Murray V. ‘Development of a lead ‘action card’ for public health practitioners’. Chemical Hazards and Poisons Report 2008; 11: 21–24.
Jones A, ‘The public health impact of lead and the role of health protection’ Chemical Hazards and Poisons Report 2006; 8: 14–17
Jones A, Morgan D, Walsh A, Turton J, Livermore D, Pitt T, Green A, Gill M, Mortiboy D ‘Importation of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter spp infections with casualties from Iraq’ Lancet Infectious Diseases Vol. 6, June 2006
P. Brewin, A. Jones, M. Kelly, M. McDonald, E. Beasley, P. Sturdy, G. Bothamley, C. Griffiths ‘Is screening for tuberculosis acceptable to immigrants? A qualitative study’ Journal of Public Health Vol. 28, No. 3.
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