Search Search Results You could also try: era (31), period (225), time (1000), times (1000), grow old (39) When Grannies Attack: Age, Ageing and Health Problems in Later Life DescriptionJoin Dr Tom Levett as we explore ageing in the UK, what makes people age well or less well and whatUrl/about/events/2021/02-03-when-grannies-attack-age-ageing-and-health-problems-in-later-life.aspx Ageing and Dementia DescriptionAgeing and Dementia, Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/postgraduate/taught-degrees/ageing-and-dementia-studies.aspx Cognitive Epidemiology, Dementia, and Ageing Research (CEDAR) Lab DescriptionCEDAR lab focuses on the role of biopsychosocial factors on cognitive ageing, cerebrovascular and dementia risk, ensuring a multidisciplinary approachUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/research/cedar-lab/cedar-lab.aspx CHAIN UKI: Improving Care for HIV and Ageing DescriptionCHAIN UKI is a dedicated working group focussed on optimising care for older people living with HIV and advancing research inUrl/research/global-health-and-infection/research-areas/chain-uki.aspx Healthy Ageing and Dementia DescriptionHealthy Ageing and Dementia at BSMS aims to advance research into various aspects of ageing and dementia disorders.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/healthy-ageing-and-dementia.aspx Aging and frailty DescriptionOur research in elderly care and stroke medicine has involved projects, mainly relating to the effects of frailty on medical conditionsUrl/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/aging-and-frailty.aspx Ageing DescriptionWith an ageing population, it's more important than ever that society is well prepared to meet the health needs of thisUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/ageing.aspx Brighton teenagers help show that the MenACWY teenage vaccine programme provides herd immunity across all age groups DescriptionA study involving teenagers from Brighton has found giving a meningitis vaccine to 14 to 19-year-olds helps protect peopleUrl/about/news/2022/11-03-brighton-teenagers-help-show-that-the-menacwy-teenage-vaccine-programme-provides-herd-immunity-across-all-age-groups.aspx Rates of skin cancer figure 5 DescriptionRates of skin cancer figure 5Url/_pdf/about/news/rates of skin cancer figure 5.pdf DETERMIND-C19 funding application DescriptionDETERMIND-C19 funding applicationUrl/_pdf/cds/determind-c19-funding-application.pdf 1 to 10 of 407 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next