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A group photo of the Time for Dementia team
Brighton & Sussex Medical School

Meet the team

Professor Sube Banerjee headshot

Professor Sube Banerjee

Sube Banerjee MBE, MB BS MSc MBA MD FRCPsych is Visiting Professor in Dementia Brighton and Sussex Medical School and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health: Medicine, Dentistry and Human Sciences at the University of Plymouth. He trained at St Thomas’s, Guy’s and the Maudsley hospitals, and was the Professor of Mental Health and Ageing at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, for 10 years. He was the Department of Health for England’s senior professional advisor on dementia and led the development of its National Dementia Strategy, as well as conducting the national enquiry into the use of antipsychotics in dementia for the UK government. He developed the Croydon Memory Service Model and works with industry and governments on health systems, policy and strategies to improve health for older adults with complex needs and those in long-term care with dementia.

An active researcher with more than 120 original papers published in peer-reviewed journals, Professor Banerjee focuses on measurement of quality of life in dementia, evaluation of new treatments and services, and the interface between policy, research and practice. He has been awarded national and international awards for his work in policy and research.

Dr Stephanie Daley profile photo

Dr Stephanie Daley

Dr Stephanie Daley is the programme and evaluation lead for the Time for Dementia and Time for Autism educational programmes. Stephanie completed her PhD at Kings College London in 2014. Stephanie is an Occupational Therapist by background. • 01273 873206

Denise Roden profile photo

Denise Roden 

Denise Roden manages the administration for the Time for Dementia programme which gives medical students the opportunity to visit a family living with dementia over a period of two years. Denise works closely with the Evaluation Lead, Dr Stephanie Daley, to ensure the smooth running of the programme. This includes pairing the students with the participant families, keeping track of when students are out on visits and keeping in touch with the participant families. • 07787 272 308

Yvonne Feeney profile photo

Yvonne Feeney

Yvonne Feeney is the Time for Dementia Project Manager and supports the implementation and delivery of the programme in participating universities. Yvonne is an Adult Nurse and before joining the Time for Dementia team in 2016, worked in the social care setting managing care services for older adults. Having completed an MSc in Dementia Studies School in 2019, Yvonne is also currently undertaking a PhD at BSMS that aims to understand the development of empathy in healthcare students towards people with dementia. Yvonne’s research interests include improving quality of life for people with dementia, and the role education plays in improving understanding and attitudes toward the condition. • 07738 757 241

Molly Hebditch profile photo

Dr Molly Hebditch 

Dr Molly Hebditch is a research fellow and works on the Mixed methods evaluation of the Time for Dementia programme. Molly's research interests include education in dementia and the improvement of quality of life and care practices for those affected by dementia. Her PhD explored medical and nursing student’s career preferences for working with people with dementia and how to increase interest in this field.

Thabrez Khan profile photo

Thabrez Khan

Thabrez Khan is the Time for Dementia manager at Alzheimer’s Society. Working alongside the wider team, Thabrez will support in the planning and roll out of the programme more widely to new universities to ensure deeper understanding and better person centred care for those living with dementia. Before joining the Time for Dementia team, Thabrez has experience working for both the public and private sectors and brings a wealth of project management and business development experience to the role. • 07355 021307

Ro Charles profile photo

Ro Charles

Ro Charles is Alzheimer’s Society Project Manager for the Time for Dementia programme. Ro is responsible for managing the family recruitment team. The team consist of a Senior Project Co-Ordinator and a team of Time for Dementia Officers. The team work to recruit and support families (people with dementia and their carers) to the Time for Dementia programme in sites across the South of England and to support the sites with delivering the programme. Ro has spent over 20 years working with people affected by dementia and has personal experience of taking part in the programme with her own family. • 07484 089562

Lauren Wonnacott headshot

Lauren Wonnacott

Lauren Wonnacott joined the team as Alzheimer’s Society Project Manager for the Time for Dementia programme in 2017. Since then, she has been responsible for the management and delivery of the programme and a team of Time for Dementia Officers who enrol and support people with dementia and their arers participating in the programme. Lauren has co-facilitated the expansion of Time for Dementia over the years and works closely with participating universities involved to ensure the smooth running of the Programme. Lauren has worked with people affected by dementia since 2010 across NHS, Social Care and Charity sector roles, in 2021 she completed her MSc in Dementia Studies at University of Sussex. • 07713779582

Rosie Mulgrue profile photo

Rosie Mulgrue

Rosie Mulgrue supports the administration for the Time for Dementia and Time for Autism programmes working closely with the lead project administrators to ensure the programmes run efficiently and smoothly. • 01273 876823

Alzheimer’s Society Time for Dementia Officers

Collage image of profile photos of the Alzheimer's Society TfD Officers


Alzheimer’s Society team L-R top row: Phillippa Charlton, Natasha Shutte, Duncan Salkeld, Louisa Young. L-R second row: Jo Symons, Beth Woodley, Cath Mackenzie, Kay Duffy. L-R third row: Bik-Kay Talbot, Cherryll Hixon, Sam Swanson, Nicky Piper. Bottom row: Wendy Stephens.