Search Search Results You could also try: game (38), activity (533), team game (25), hobby (32) Covid-19 updates for staff and students DescriptionThis page will feature regular updates from BSMS on the latest return to campus updates for staff and students.Url/about/working-here/covid-updates-for-staff-and-students.aspx Introducing Wendy Wood, the new director of the BSCTU DescriptionHear from Wendy Wood, the new Director of the Brighton Sussex Clinical Trials Unit (BSCTU) about her previous roles, her newUrl/about/news/2023/06-07-introducing-wendy-wood-the-new-director-of-the-bsctu.aspx In Focus - Enya Costin DescriptionLearn about extra curricular activities at BSMS from Year 4 student, Enya CostinUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-enya-costin.aspx Student life DescriptionFind out more about student life at BSMS as part of our virtual open dayUrl/undergraduate/open-days/virtual-open-day/student-life.aspx SHARE conference 2023 DescriptionThis conference offered talks, oral presentations and posters about sustainable healthcare teamwork: interdisciplinary solutions in action.Url/about/share-conference-2023.aspx Balancing study and sport DescriptionBSMS student Elliot Barratt gives his top five tips for balancing study and sport as a medical student.Url/about/news/2021/10-25-balancing-study-and-sport.aspx pulse-20th-anniversary-issue-DIGITAL DescriptionPulse-20th-anniversary-issue-A/W 2023Url/_pdf/about/news/pulse/pulse-20th-anniversary-issue-digital.pdf 1 to 7 of 7