Search Search Results You could also try: record (293), transcription (18), copy (142), text (128) International entry requirements DescriptionInformation about BSMS's international entry requirements including English language requirements.Url/undergraduate/international-students/international-entry-requirements.aspx TEL Blog DescriptionEvery month, the Technology Enhanced Learning team will post on a variety of topics surrounding the use of technology to supportUrl/about/tel/tel-blog.aspx Exploring-Change-in-Leadership-and-Commissioning-of-Health-and-Social-Care DescriptionExploring Change in Leadership and Commissioning of Health and Social CareUrl/_pdf/about/exploring-change-in-leadership-and-commissioning-of-health-and-social-care.pdf Entry requirements DescriptionA full list of entry requirements for admission to the Brighton and Sussex Medical School including GCSEs, A Levels and InternationalUrl/undergraduate/applying-to-bsms/entry-requirements.aspx The Tuesday Group DescriptionThe Tuesday Group perform as part of the 2011/12 Ethics in Performance series.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/theoretical-and-empirical-bioethics/ethics-in-performance/2011-11-18-the-tuesday-group.aspx Prof Sarah Newbury's research team DescriptionProf Sarah Newbury heads a team engaged in ground-breaking research into the genetic control pathways regulating key cellular processes.Url/research/clinical-and-experimental-medicine/cancer/prof-sarah-newburys-research-team.aspx Admissions FAQs DescriptionFrequently asked questions about BSMS admissions and entry requirementsUrl/undergraduate/applying-to-bsms/faqs-entry-requirements.aspx Dr Chris Jones DescriptionDr Chris Jones is Principal Research Fellow in Medical Statistics (Primary Care & Public Health) at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/about/contact-us/staff/dr-chris-jones.aspx Research degrees DescriptionBSMS offers research degrees including PhD, MPhil and MDUrl/postgraduate/research-degrees/index.aspx Professor Sarah Newbury DescriptionSarah Newbury is professor of RNA Biology and Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange at Brighton and Sussex Medical SchoolUrl/about/contact-us/staff/professor-sarah-newbury.aspx 1 to 10 of 31 Previous 1 2 3 4 Next