Search Search Results You could also try: flavour (5), tang (6), experience (961), feel (419), undergo (90), try (202) Current projects DescriptionLearn more about the current research projects at CISC.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/cisc/research/current-projects.aspx BrightMed 12x3 DescriptionBrightMed 12x3Url/_pdf/about/brightmed-12x3.pdf Cov-Dem DescriptionThe aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of the impact of self-isolation, social distancing and handUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/research/cedar-lab/cov-dem.aspx Research facilities DescriptionRead more about the research facilities and equipment at our Clinical Imaging Sciences Centre (CISC).Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/cisc/research-facilities/index.aspx How does social care support older adults' food and drink-related needs/outcomes? DescriptionThis study, funded by NIHR School for Social Care Research and led by the University of Kent, explores food and drinkUrl/research/primary-care-and-public-health/research/marginalised-and-coastal-community-health/social-care-support-older-adults.aspx Living here DescriptionFind out more about what it's like to live in Brighton as a student at BSMS.Url/living-here/index.aspx Simon Waddell BSMS Mag Autumn 2016 DescriptionPulse Simon Waddell wellcome trust pageUrl/_pdf/simon-waddell-bsms-mag-autumn-2016.pdf Eulogy FINAL DescriptionEulogy for Maho finalUrl/_pdf/global-health/eulogy-final.pdf From BrightMed to BSMS – a retrospective DescriptionThree former BrightMed students, Oli, Rabiah, and Enya, who all now study at BSMS, answer questions about their experiences on theUrl/about/news/2022/07-29-from-brightmed-to-bsms-a-retrospective.aspx Student receives offers to study at four medical schools DescriptionMaddie Wood-Field shares her experiences of the BrightMed programme at BSMS and how this helped her receive offers from fourUrl/about/news/2021/05-27-student-receives-offers-to-study-at-four-medical-schools.aspx 1 to 10 of 18 Previous 1 2 Next