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Patient inside an MRI scanner with their hands behind their head
Brighton & Sussex Medical School

Research facilities

Research facilities

The Clinical Imaging Sciences Centre is a purpose-built facility that houses imaging technology, a reception and visitor waiting area, a preparation suite and PACS and CRIS-enabled reporting rooms – all under one roof.


Siemens Prisma 3T MRI

  • Software for stimulus presentation and data collection (Matlab, Cogent, E-Prime, Presentation, NNL Nordtika, BIOPAC Acqknowledge, Spike)
  • Audio stimulus hardware (Sensimetrics in-ear inserts headphones with noise cancellation, MR CONFON flat headphones)
  • Audio communication with participants through desktop microphone (MR CONFON)
  • Audio recording (Optoacoustics’ microphone with noise cancellation)
  • Visual stimulus hardware (NNL’s TV screen (40inch), NNL ETC visual system for visual stimulus using visual goggles (adjustable focus))
  • Video recording (camera (MRC brand Model 12M-I with 3 interchangeable lenses), Webcam on the NNL TV screen for subject monitoring)
  • Eye tracking (NNL ETC visual system contains an eye tracking camera within the goggles)
  • Response collection equipment (NNL response grip with a total 4 buttons, Current designs button boxes with total 4 buttons, Current designs joystick, NATA computer mouse)
  • Physiological data collection (BIOPAC MP160 system with ECG and GSR with MR safe and non-MR safe electrodes, NONIN 7500FO pulse oximeter)
  • Injection pump allowing administration of drugs at different doses and speeds
  • Synchronisation with the MRI scanner (NNL Synch box)
  • Real-time fMRI (turbo brain voyager software)
  • High-end linux-based image analysis server for analysis of fMRI data

Siemens Avanto 1.5T MRI

  • Software for the presentation of experimental stimuli (e.g. Matlab, Cogent 2000, E-Prime, Presentation)
  • Stimulus projector for the presentation of visual stimuli
  • Audio system (ConFon electrostatic headphones and microphone) for the presentation of auditory stimuli
  • Injection pump (EZEM) allowing administration of drugs at different doses and speeds
  • Instruments to measure response outputs (fibre optic button boxes, joy sticks and response pads)
  • Equipment for the measurement of heart rate and blood oxygenation (Pulseoximetry Nonin 8600FO)
  • Measurement of eye movement (ASL eye tracker)
  • High-end linux-based image analysis server for analysis of fMRI data

Quantitative MRI techniques

This will have short description of MRI and list of quantitative MRI techniques we have here at CISC and different parts of the body that we can image.


Ancillary equipment

Audio stimulus/ recording

OptoACTIVEä Active Noise Control Optical MRI Communication System

Model S14 - Insert Earphones for fMRI Research

MR Confon Headphones.

Video stimulus/ recording And Eye-tracking

NNL’s new VisualSystem HD: High-end Visual Stimulation for fMRI for 1,5T and 3T

Inroom Viewing Device: 40’’ LCD display Screen for 1,5T, 3T and 7T MRI environments

Physiological/response data collection

Cardiac monitoring (ECG)

Galvanic skin response (GSR)

Respiration recording

Taste/Smell delivery

Pulse oximeter

Hand Clench dynamometer (clench force up to 50 kgf).

Response/Hand Force for pressure measurement

Pain stimulus

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) for neurostimulation

Subject comfort and monitoring

Media goggles

Adjustable lenses for VSHD

Ear plugs

ANC communication system


Low Field MRI

Newly acquired low field MRI (50 mT) Multiwave MGNTQ scanner.

Someone about go go into an MRI scanner, the dr is holding the patients hand as they press the buttons on the machine


 A 64-slice PET-CT Hybrid system (Siemens Biograph)

Additional equipment for MR research

Additional equipment for MR research can be applied for via Professor Hugo Critchley's research group. Further information on the fMRI specification can also be obtained by contacting CISC directly.

  • NIRS (Near Infrared Spectroscopy) with MRI compatible leads
  • fMRI-compatible respiratory monitoring equipment
  • Capnography
  • fMRI-adapted Portapres cardiovascular monitoring apparatus (a non-invasive technique for measuring beat-to-beat blood pressure)
  • fMRI-compatible EEG (Eldith NeuroPrax MR) with EMG, ECG and electrodermal (GSR) capabilities