Search Search Results You could also try: experienced (961), veteran (2), hardened (7), tested (371), weathered (32) The BSMS men's football team have a successful season DescriptionHear from Year 2 student, Kieran Chumun about the most recent success of the BSMS men's football team.Url/about/news/2023/05-26-the-bsms-mens-football-team-have-a-successful-season.aspx Current Stories in Global Health: Global health careers DescriptionJoin us on Zoom on Wednesday 29 May to explore the exciting world of global health careers.Url/about/events/2024/05-29-current-stories-in-global-health-global-health-careers.aspx Staff spotlight: Leigh Ward DescriptionMeet Leigh Ward, PGT Curriculum and Assessment Manager.Url/about/working-here/inclusivity/pst-spotlights/leigh-ward.aspx In Focus - Aaron Phillips DescriptionRead our student interview with Aaron PhillipsUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-aaron-phillips.aspx Global Health - Current Stories in Global Health DescriptionVideo recordings from our Current Stories in Global Health online event seriesUrl/research/global-health-and-infection/ghi-news-and-events/gh-current-stories-in-global-health.aspx Inspirational women: Paige Gregory DescriptionMeet Paige Gregory, Course Co-ordinator (Clinical and Community Practice).Url/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-profiles/paige-gregory.aspx In Focus - Emily Helsby DescriptionEmily Helsby tells us all about her journey to medical school and life at BSMS, including some tips for medical schoolUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-emily-helsby.aspx In Focus - Thivya Kularajan DescriptionRead our student interview with Thivya KularajanUrl/about/info-for-schools-teachers-parents/in-focus-thivya-kularajan.aspx Promoting GP as a career DescriptionGeneral Practice isn't just one careerUrl/_pdf/undergraduate/promoting-gp-as-a-career.pdf Staff spotlight: Heidi Swain DescriptionMeet Heidi Swain, Quality and Placements Officer.Url/about/working-here/inclusivity/pst-spotlights/heidi-swain.aspx 1 to 10 of 15 Previous 1 2 Next