Search Search Results You could also try: distant (5), isolated (41), inaccessible (11), aloof (2) Remote memory assessment toolkit DescriptionThe Remote Memory Assessment Toolkit (RMAS) launched to help clinicians deliver remote services for patients with dementia.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/research/remote-memory-assessment-toolkit.aspx RMA toolkit for clinicians Feb22 DescriptionRemote memory assessment best practice guidance remote and face-to-face options depending on patient choiceUrl/_pdf/cds/rma-toolkit-for-clinicians-feb22.pdf RMAS patient info Feb22 DescriptionMemory assessment service: information for patients about remote appointmentsUrl/_pdf/cds/rmas-patient-info-feb22.pdf Face-to-face HIV testing preferred option by men who have sex with men DescriptionThe majority of men who have sex with men would prefer face-to-face HIV testing by a healthcare professional, aUrl/about/news/2019/04-12-face-to-face-hiv-testing-preferred-option-by-men-who-have-sex-with-men.aspx Research at CDS DescriptionLinks to research on modifiable risk factors, quality of care, quality of life and randomised controlled trials in dementia.Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/research/index.aspx Jo Middleton DescriptionJo Middleton BSc MRes MRSB is a Research Fellow at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/jo-middleton.aspx Student experiences of intercalating (part 2) DescriptionTwo current BSMS students provide their views on intercalating at BSMS.Url/about/news/2021/01-27-student-experiences-of-intercalating-part-2.aspx E. Risk Assessment Requirements - Guidance for BSMS Students Conducting Fieldwork in the UK and Overseas V2 September 2022 DescriptionE. Risk Assessment Requirements - Guidance for BSMS Students Conducting Fieldwork in the UK and Overseas V2 September 2022Url/_pdf/research/e.-risk-assessment-requirements-guidance-for-bsms-students-conducting-fieldwork-in-the-uk-and-overseas-v2-september-2022.pdf Risk Assessment Requirements - Guidance for BSMS Students Conducting Fieldwork in the UK and Overseas DescriptionRisk Assessment Requirements - Guidance for BSMS Students Conducting Fieldwork in the UK and OverseasUrl/_word-docs/rgec/risk-assessment-requirements-guidance-for-bsms-students-conducting-fieldwork-in-the-uk-and-overseas.docx A medicine that could control outbreaks of scabies in the UK remains unlicensed DescriptionA medicine that could control outbreaks of scabies in the UK is unlicensed and only available through specialist importers, researchers atUrl/about/news/2019/12-19-a-medicine-that-could-control-outbreaks-of-scabies-in-the-uk-remains-unlicensed.aspx 1 to 10 of 70 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next