Search Search Results You could also try: understand (812), comprehend (17), become conscious (9), appreciate (75), grasp (5) Autistic psychiatrists who don't realise they are autistic may fail to spot autism in patients, study finds DescriptionGroundbreaking research finds that psychiatrists who are unaware that they themselves are autistic may fail to recognise the condition in theirUrl/about/news/2024/10-31-autistic-psychiatrists-who-do-not-realise-they-are-autistic-may-fail-to-spot-autism-in-patients-study-finds.aspx dcin-independent-evaluation-of-the-dementia-fellowship-programme Descriptiondcin-independent-evaluation-of-the-dementia-fellowship-programmeUrl/_pdf/cds/dcin/dcin-independent-evaluation-of-the-dementia-fellowship-programme.pdf Independent Evaluation of the Dementia Fellowship Programme_May_2017 DescriptionIndependent Evaluation of the Dementia Fellowship Programme_May_2017Url/_pdf/cds/dcin/independent-evaluation-of-the-dementia-fellowship-programme-may-2017.pdf Alumni in Focus - Dr Jack Whiting DescriptionAlumni in focus - an interview with Dr Jack WhitingUrl/about/alumni/alumni-in-focus-dr-jack-whiting.aspx BSMS Social Science Forum: Women's Status, Gender Relations and Health in Post-Genocide Rwanda DescriptionIntroducing the BSMS Social Science Forum series, a new series of events for 2021Url/about/events/2021/04-29-bsms-social-science-forum-womens-status-gender-relations-and-health.aspx Inspirational women: Catherine Hennessy DescriptionMeet Catherine HennessyUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/inspirational-women-profiles/catherine-hennessy.aspx A social itch: an evening of film and social science exploring a neglected infectious disease DescriptionOn 8 November, researchers from BSMS ran a general public film screening and Q&A at the Towner Art Gallery CinemaUrl/about/news/2022/11-17-a-social-itch-an-evening-of-film-and-social-science.aspx Study reveals why your brain makes you slip up when anxious DescriptionNeuroscientists at BSMS and the University of Sussex's Sackler Centre identify the brain network system that causes us to slip upUrl/about/news/2016/01-20-study-reveals-why-your-brain-makes-you-slip-up-when-anxious.aspx Promoting GP as a career DescriptionGeneral Practice isn't just one careerUrl/_pdf/undergraduate/promoting-gp-as-a-career.pdf Alumni in Focus - Dr Aoife Fordham DescriptionAlumni in focus - an interview with Dr Aoife FordhamUrl/about/alumni/alumni-in-focus-dr-aoife-fordham.aspx 1 to 10 of 110 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next