Search Search Results You could also try: publication (386), glossy magazine (1), journal (384), mag (9), weekly (128) Newsletters, Webinars and Presentations DescriptionThe latest news, publications, webinars and presentations from the Dementia Care Improvement NetworkUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/dementia-care-improvement-network/dcin-news-and-publications.aspx Alumni DescriptionThe BSMS Alumni Association is the academic home for all Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) alumni.Url/about/alumni/alumni.aspx EDI at BSMS DescriptionLearn more about equality, diversity and inclusivity at BSMSUrl/about/working-here/inclusivity/edi-at-bsms.aspx Chay Burt DescriptionChay Burt (LLM, LLB, AFHEA) is a Lecturer in Medical Education at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/about/contact-us/staff/chay-burt.aspx Current Stories in Global Health: Stigma and Discrimination DescriptionCurrent Stories in Global Health: Stigma, Discrimination and HealthUrl/about/events/2023/01-25-current-stories-in-global-health-stigma-and-discrimination.aspx Dementia Care Improvement Network DescriptionThe Dementia Care Improvement Network aims to improve dementia care across Kent, Surrey and Sussex through good practice and local innovationsUrl/research/clinical-neuroscience/cds/dementia-care-improvement-network/dementia-care-improvement-network-index.aspx UK Korea Symposium-Challenges Metropolitan centres Korea Eunae Sim DescriptionUK Korea Symposium-Challenges Metropolitan centres Korea Eunae SimUrl/_pdf/cds/korea-presentations/uk-korea-symposium-challenges-metropolitan-centres-korea-eunae-sim.pdf KSS DF and DCIN_Summary report final 2021 DescriptionKSS DF and DCIN_Summary report final 2021Url/_pdf/cds/dcin/kss-df-and-dcin-summary-report-final-2021.pdf ONS mortality data resource pack DescriptionONS mortality data resource packUrl/_pdf/pcph/ons-mortality-data-resource-pack.pdf Current Stories in Global Health: Vending machines, knowledge exchange and extreme weather events – what has HIV got to do with it? DescriptionOur Current Stories in Global Health online event series runs quarterly throughout the year and aims to simplify Global Health researchUrl/about/events/2024/01-31-vending-machines-knowledge-exchange-and-extreme-weather-events-what-has-hiv-got-to-do-with-it.aspx 1 to 10 of 27 Previous 1 2 3 Next