Search Search Results You could also try: festivity (1), party (70), festival (55), gala (1) BSMS Virtual Graduation Celebration 2021 DescriptionBSMS will host its annual graduation celebration virtually on 13 July 2021Url/about/events/2021/07-13-bsms-virtual-graduation-celebration-2021.aspx BSMS Graduation DescriptionBSMS Graduate Celebration Event 2019Url/about/events/2019/07-23-bsms-graduation.aspx Reflections on retirement from the Dean DescriptionProf Malcolm Reed reflects on his time as Dean, looking back at some of the achievements, challenges and what his retirementUrl/about/news/2024/07-31-reflections-on-retirement-from-the-dean.aspx Bendy Bodies, Bendy Brains DescriptionBendy Bodies, Bendy Brains: An online event as part of Neurodiversity Celebration WeekUrl/about/events/2025/03-17-bendy-bodies-bendy-brains.aspx Stay connected DescriptionKeep up to date with all things BSMS20Url/about/bsms20/stay-connected.aspx Graduation ceremony marks 20 years for BSMS DescriptionBrighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) held its much-anticipated summer graduation ceremony with the University of Brighton on Friday 12Url/about/news/2024/07-19-graduation-ceremony-marks-20-years-for-bsms.aspx Medical school to host UK premiere of award-winning film that tackles mental illness DescriptionBSMS will host the UK premiere of Farah, an award-winning film which explores mental health and its effect on youngUrl/about/news/2023/11-09-medical-school-to-host-uk-premiere-of-award-winning-film-that-tackles-mental-illness.aspx Sussex Rehabilitation Centre announced as Mayor's Charity DescriptionHaywards Heath Town Mayor, Cllr Howard Mundin, has chosen the Sussex Rehabilitation Centre at the Princess Royal Hospital as his charityUrl/about/news/2021/11-12-sussex-rehabilitation-centre-announced-as-mayors-charity.aspx International Women's Day 2014 DescriptionInformation about how Athena SWAN celebrated International Women's Day in 2014.Url/about/working-here/inclusivity/international-womens-day-2014.aspx SHCRP news and events DescriptionThe information here will provide regular updates on the SHCRP work as it develops instigating during the phases of the projectUrl/research/support-and-governance/shcrp/shcrp-news-and-events.aspx 1 to 10 of 36 Previous 1 2 3 4 Next