Search Search Results You could also try: key (488), push button (1), switch (50), knob (1), close (246) Online Ethics Application User Guide BSMS DescriptionOnline Ethics Application User Guide BSMS 2017Url/_word-docs/online-ethics-application-user-guide-bsms.docx Research facilities DescriptionRead more about the research facilities and equipment at our Clinical Imaging Sciences Centre (CISC).Url/research/clinical-neuroscience/cisc/research-facilities/index.aspx Cookies information DescriptionThis site uses cookies. The list provided gives details of the cookies used on the BSMS website including "first party cookiesUrl/about/cookies-information.aspx MDM122C Communication, Learning and Teaching Module Handbook 2021-22 DescriptionModule handbook for Communication, Learning and TeachingUrl/_pdf/postgraduate/mdm122c-communication-learning-and-teaching-module-handbook-2021-22.pdf Fitness to practise DescriptionInformation about fitness to practice governed by the GMC.Url/undergraduate/applying-to-bsms/fitness-to-practise.aspx Guidance for supervisors DescriptionIf you are a supervisor, you will be actively involved in the online submission of your student's ethics application.Url/research/support-and-governance/governance-and-ethics/rgec-hub/guidance-for-supervisors.aspx BSMS MedSoc DescriptionBSMS MedSoc is run by students, for students, and offers a huge variety of societies, sports clubs and social events.Url/living-here/bsms-medsoc.aspx Student inclusivity forum DescriptionBSMS are continuing to hold a series of student-focused inclusivity forums throughout 2022/23.Url/about/events/2022/11-23-student-inclusivity-forum.aspx Staff inclusivity forum DescriptionBSMS are continuing to hold a series of staff-focused inclusivity forums throughout 2022/23.Url/about/events/2022/11-02-staff-inclusivity-forum.aspx Supporting your learning DescriptionInformation about the range of help and support on offer to students at BSMS, including our IT resources, the CAPSULE appUrl/undergraduate/supporting-your-learning/index.aspx 1 to 10 of 39 Previous 1 2 3 4 Next