Search Search Results You could also try: payment (49), donation (45), gift (24), giving (678), input (71), part (873) Brighton teenagers help show that the MenACWY teenage vaccine programme provides herd immunity across all age groups DescriptionA study involving teenagers from Brighton has found giving a meningitis vaccine to 14 to 19-year-olds helps protect peopleUrl/about/news/2022/11-03-brighton-teenagers-help-show-that-the-menacwy-teenage-vaccine-programme-provides-herd-immunity-across-all-age-groups.aspx Anti-Racist Practice in Medical Education: Pedagogy and Research DescriptionBrighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) is pleased to announce its first conference aimed at sharing Anti-Racist Practice in MedicalUrl/about/events/2021/09-24-anti-racist-practice-in-medical-education-pedagogy-and-research.aspx Patient Educators continue to contribute to student learning despite COVID-19 DescriptionPatient Educators at BSMS have embraced virtual teaching and are contributing to sessions for students via Microsoft Teams.Url/about/news/2020/11-05-patient-educators-continue-to-contribute-to-student-learning-despite-covid-19.aspx Students put BSMS fourth in the 2020 NSS for medical schools DescriptionStudents have put Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) in fourth position in the 2020 National Student Survey (NSS) for medicalUrl/about/news/2020/07-15-students-put-bsms-fourth-in-the-2020-nss-for-medical-schools.aspx 2019 cohort LEF Dvmt Prog Flyer Description2019 cohort LEF Prog FlyerUrl/_pdf/cpd/2019-cohort-lef-dvmt-prog-flyer.pdf Brain training cuts epileptic seizures DescriptionGroundbreaking research at Brighton and Sussex Medical School has led to significant reductions in seizures in epilepsy patientsUrl/about/news/2018/01-22-brain-training-cuts-epileptic-seizures.aspx Sanctuary? scabies and other afflictions along life's pilgrimage DescriptionSanctuary? scabies and other afflictions along life's pilgrimageUrl/about/events/2016/sanctuary-scabies-and-other-afflictions-along-lifes-pilgrimage.aspx BS CTU Collaboration Pro Forma v5.0 - 18 May 16 DescriptionBS CTU Collaboration Pro FormaUrl/_word-docs/bs-ctu-collaboration-pro-forma-v5.0-18-may-16.docx CTU-proforma DescriptionCTU proformaUrl/_word-docs/ctu-proforma.docx News and events - 2019 DescriptionThe news and events in 2019 from the Global Health and Infection team at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS).Url/research/global-health-and-infection/ghi-news-and-events/2019-news.aspx 81 to 90 of 197 Previous … 7 8 9 10 11 … Next