The Patient Educator Group at BSMS has been making a regular and valuable contribution to the educational experience of our students for a number of years. This has included a range of activities including sharing narratives of living with long-term conditions, allowing students to practise history taking/basic clinical skills and simulated learning.
With the restrictions that COVID-19 has brought and the changes to the delivery of the curriculum, there were concerns the students would not have the same opportunities to learn from the Patient Educators as before. However, a significant number of the group have embraced virtual teaching and are contributing to sessions via Microsoft Teams. To date, Anna Potts, Patient Educator Group Lead, has trained about 30 Patient Educators, whose ages range from 26 to 90 years old, so these virtual sessions can take place.

The above photograph shows Will Cassell, father of BSMS Deputy Dean Jackie Cassell, in action during a Stroke and Brain Injury Symposium for Year 2 students. While the session was very different from the usual face to face teaching, Will and the other Patient Educators who shared their narrative provided the students with powerful insights into the ‘patient’ experience. It was clear from the high level of interaction with students and their thoughtful questioning they had found the session very valuable.
Jackie says: “Will experienced a serious brain injury some years ago. Before that, he had a career as a primary school teacher, company secretary and - in retirement - as a teacher of business skills in prisons. Now he brings his life experience and love of teaching to BSMS as a Patient Educator. Usually this gives him a chance to say hello to me at work, but this year he enjoyed taking part online from home!”
Anna adds: “These learning opportunities have become ever more precious with the restrictions of COVID-19. If any of the faculty would like to discuss how they can incorporate Patient Educators into specific sessions, please do not hesitate to email me on and I will happily discuss how I can work with you.”

Will Cassell pictured in the lecture theatre with students in 2018
Find out more about the Patient Educator Group via the link below.
Find out more about Patient Educators here >