Search Search Results You could also try: foundation (474), base (712), root (30), source (203), origin (31), starting point (144) Brains of people with Tourette syndrome react differently to emotional faces DescriptionThe symptoms experienced by people with Tourette syndrome often get worse in social situations, new research at BSMS findsUrl/about/news/2018/11-05-brains-of-people-with-tourette-syndrome-react-differently-to-emotional-faces.aspx Brighton and Sussex Medical School academics win Teaching Excellence Awards DescriptionBrighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) have been recognised in the 2018 UK Teaching Excellence AwardsUrl/about/news/2018/08-30-bsms-wins-two-teaching-excellence-awards.aspx BSMS GH Scholarship 2018-19-Application Form (Final) DescriptionGlobal Health Scholarship Application FormUrl/_word-docs/global-health/bsms-gh-scholarship-2018-19-application-form-final.doc Solving of a decade-long mystery could help in fight against TB DescriptionSolving of a decade-long mystery could help in fight against TBUrl/about/news/2017/11-01-solving-of-a-decade-long-mystery-could-help-in-fight-against-tb.aspx Admissions FAQs DescriptionFrequently asked questions about BSMS admissions and entry requirementsUrl/undergraduate/applying-to-bsms/faqs-entry-requirements.aspx Fees and funding DescriptionAn explanation of fees and funding for postgraduate courses at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)Url/postgraduate/fees-and-funding/fees-and-funding.aspx BSMS Student Advice DescriptionThe BSMS Student Advice team are here to support students with any aspect of their life which is affecting their abilityUrl/about/bsms-student-advice.aspx Staff spotlight: Heidi Taylor DescriptionMeet Heidi Taylor, Senior Medical Education Co-Ordinator.Url/about/working-here/inclusivity/pst-spotlights/heidi-taylor.aspx Research modules DescriptionInformation about the research modules offered by BSMS.Url/postgraduate/single-modules/research-modules.aspx Management of Long Term Conditions in Children Module Handbook 2023-24 26.10.23 DescriptionModule handbook for management of long term conditions in children in the paediatrics in child health courseUrl/_pdf/postgraduate/management-of-long-term-conditions-in-children-module-handbook-2023-24-26.10.23.pdf 81 to 90 of 204 Previous … 7 8 9 10 11 … Next