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Dr Tom Levett

Dr Tom Levett (BSc, MBBCh, MRCP, PhD)

Director of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning and Senior Lecturer in Medicine and Frailty
Location: Southpoint (Royal Sussex County Hospital), 7 Paston Place, Kemptown, Brighton, BN2 1HA

Areas of expertise: Frailty, HIV and ageing 

Research areas: Frailty, HIV and ageing, medical education 

Preferred gender pronouns: him/his/he

Twitter handle: @DrTomLevett



Tom gained his medical degree from Cardiff University and completed postgraduate training in Cardiff, London and across Sussex. He undertook his PhD at BSMS where he investigated the prevalence and predictors of frailty in older adults living with HIV.

Tom shares his time between teaching and research for BSMS, as Senior Lecturer in Medicine and Frailty, and the Royal Sussex County Hospital where he is an Honorary Consultant in Elderly Medicine.


Tom's research interests focus on frailty, in particular frailty in individuals living with HIV, as well as broader issues of ageing and non-infectious comorbidities such as diabetes in this group.

Tom also supervises research in medical education, currently exploring frailty in undergraduate education and ssues and experiences related to differential attainment in medical undergraduates.



Tom is a Phase 2 Lead for BSMS, responsible for the design and delivery of years 3 and 4 of the undergraduate medicine curriculum. He teaches aspects of gerontology in module 302; Scientific Basis of Medicine and clinical geriatric medicine in Module 306: Elderly Medicine and Psychiatry. Tom is a module lead for MDM 169: Frailty and Elderly Medicine, a postgraduate masters level module offered as part of the MSc in Internal Medicine.

Selected Publications

Winter R, Al-Jawad M, Wright J, Shrewsbury D, Van Marwijk H, Johnson H, Levett T. What is meant by "frailty" in undergraduate medical education? A national survey of UK medical schools. Eur Geriatr Med. 2021 Mar 2. doi: 10.1007/s41999-021-00465-9. 

Daultrey H, Youseff E, Wright J, Davies K, Chakera AJ, Levett T. The investigation of diabetes in people living with HIV: A systematic review. Diabet Med. 2020 Nov 10;e14454. doi: 10.1111/dme.14454. Online ahead of print

McCarthy F, Winter R, Levett T. An exploration of medical student attitudes towards older persons and frailty during undergraduate training. Eur Geriatr Med. 2020 Nov 27.  doi: 10.1007/s41999-020-00430-y. Online ahead of print

Levett T, Alford K, Roberts J, Adler Z, Wright J, Vera JH. Evaluation of a Combined HIV and Geriatrics Clinic for Older People Living with HIV: The Silver Clinic in Brighton, UK. Geriatrics (Basel). 2020 Oct 19;5(4):81. doi: 10.3390/geriatrics5040081.

Levett T, Wright J. How to assess and manage frailty in patients with HIV. Sex Transm Infect. Nov 2017, 93 (7) 476-477. doi: 10.1136/sextrans-2016-052663.

Cresswell FV, Levett T. Specialist care of older adults with HIV infection in the UK: a service evaluation. HIV Medicine. 2017, 18(7) 519-524. doi: 10.1111/hiv.12481.

Levett T, Cresswell F, Malik M, Fisher M and Wright J. A systematic review of frailty prevalence and predictors in HIV. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2016 May;64(5):1006-14. doi: 10.1111/jgs.14101.

Levett T, Wright J and Fisher M. HIV and Ageing: What the Geriatrician needs to know. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology. 2014; 24(1):2024

T. Levett. How to tackle impaired sexuality in oncology and palliative care patients. European Journal of Palliative Care. January-February 2011; 18(1):34-38.

T Levett, C Slide, F Mallick, and R Lau. Access to dental care for HIV patients: does it matter and does discrimination exist?Int J STD AIDS, November 2009; 20: 782 - 784.

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